What is the omen of the snake crocodile

A traveler dreaming of a crocodile eating a snake goes out peacefully.

A traveler dreaming of a snake chasing him then a crocodile eating the snake is advised to go out peacefully.

Traveler dreaming of snake turning into crocodile:Suggests going out less, advisable to postpone.

Traveler dreaming of snake and crocodile fighting:Snake died miserably, suggests to be cautious in everything, don't be in a hurry, can be safe.

Travelers dreaming of midges and crocodiles:Suggest delaying travel for a few days.

People who go to school dreaming of snakes and crocodiles:The results are not ideal, wait for the next exam.

Travelers dreaming of killing crocodiles and snakes:Suggest delaying departure for a day or two.

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes and crocodiles:Giving birth to a girl. Spring occupies the birth of a man.

People in love dreaming of snakes and crocodiles fighting snakes died tragically:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

People dreaming of crocodiles and snakes:Suggest that when the wind stops, postpone the trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of crocodiles and snakes mating:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man!

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes and crocodiles predict a male in spring and fall:And a female in summer.

If a person in love dreams of snakes and crocodiles biting him:It means that he can expect to get married.

Traveling people dreaming of crocodiles not eating people snakes biting people:Suggests the wind and sand is big, temporarily postponed to set out again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a snake swallowing a crocodile predicts the birth of a daughter. Winter occupies the birth of a man.

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