How's it going?

If a pregnant person dreams of having a date with a shrimp:It predicts the birth of a daughter, and it is forbidden to move the earth in the south.Metaphysical:Death-rela... Read more

Dreams about the Phantom Sun

A pregnant woman dreaming of a phantom sun predicts that she may expect to give birth to a male child:Or a female child in August, and that she should not bring up heavy ... Read more

Dreaming of a carriage overturning

People who are traveling dreaming of riding in a horse carriage which overturned:Suggest being cautious in everything, do not be hasty can be safe.People who go to school... Read more

Dreaming of black sky

A traveler dreaming of black things flying across the sky is advised to travel as scheduled.For a businessman to dream of a black sky:Represents slow progress and wealth.... Read more