What does dreaming of picking pears from a pear tree symbolize?

A pregnant woman dreaming of picking pears from a pear tree predicts the birth of a daughter:And the birth of a man in the fall.

If you are traveling and dream of picking pears in a pear tree:You are advised to go on a temporary errand and miss the date of your trip.

People in love dreamed of picking pears on a pear tree:Suggesting that if you can convince both parents to get married.

People in love dreamed of picking pears on a pear tree in the dark:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of picking pears on a pear tree:Representing that although there is profit and loss, there is still profit, contentment is always happy.

Pregnant people dreamed of planting pears on a pear tree:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, be careful not to move the fetus.

Traveling people dreamed of pear tree picking pears:Suggest not to go out, choose another time and day to set off again.

People dreaming of picking pears on a pear tree fell down:Means that the first exam failed, and then try to have hope.

Doing business dreamed of picking pears under a large pear tree:Representing the beginning of the year is not good, after the fall and winter smoothly get wealth.

Pregnant people dreaming of picking ice-cream on a pear tree:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of picking pears under a large pear tree:Predicting the birth of a boy, don't approach the water's edge, prevent miscarriage.

People dreaming of picking pears in a pear tree mean that they should be cautious of accidents:Blood and light injuries, or the occurrence of fire.

Doing business dreamed of picking ice-cream on a pear tree:Represents not very smooth, there are ups and downs, to have confidence to break through the difficulties.

Those who dreamed of picking ice-cream on a pear tree suggest postponing the trip for a few days.

Pregnant people dreaming of pear tree picking pears:Give birth to a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People dreaming of a pear tree with a lot of pears on it but not allowed to pick them:In the stability of caution against injury, must be friends and relatives trapped in each other's care.

School people dreaming of a pear tree with two pears and picked:Means that the oral examination should be careful, probably up to the admission standard.

Pregnant people dreaming of a pear tree full of pears:Predicting the birth of a daughter, or a sister before or after.

People dreaming of picking pears on a pear tree in the dark to eat:Means that the first half of the luck is not good, the second half of the year to get wealth and real estate.

People in love dreaming of a lush pear tree full of pears:Suggesting that they may hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of picking pears and eating them in a pear tree in the dark:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and the birth of a man in spring. Do not pick heavy burdens, prevent falls.

People in love dreamed of seeing a lot of pears on a pear tree but were not allowed to pick them:Both occupations are stable, salary class marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of a pear tree picking pears but not picking a fall:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, do not move the soil.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pear tree full of pears predicts the birth of a daughter; do not approach the water.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pear tree full of pears is expected to give birth to a boy; a girl is expected to be born in summer. Be careful not to move the earth or move the fetus.

People who go to school dreamed of picking ice cream on a pear tree:Means that the liberal arts is poor, on the verge of admission.

Those who dreamed of planting pears on a pear tree suggest that the trip will go smoothly and as expected.

Pregnant people dreaming of two pears on a pear tree and picking them:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, food caution.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a lot of pears on a pear tree:The liberal arts performance is not good, can not be admitted.

Traveling people dreamed of two pears on a pear tree and picked:Suggest changing the date of departure, be careful in the water.

People who go to school dreamed of picking pears on a pear tree:Implying that there are obstacles, determined to redouble their efforts and hope for admission.

People dreaming of picking pears on a pear tree fell:Means all things go well, nobles help to get wealth and profit, peace.

This year's people dreamed of pear tree has two pears also picked:Means that the spring come as expected, be careful in the fall of the disaster of blood and light.

Doing business dreamed that there are a lot of pears on the pear tree but not allowed to pick:There is wealth and profit, slow progress, do not have to worry.

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