What is the omen of good feng shui of ancestral graves

A person in his current year dreams of buying a well killed fish:A victim of feng shui, a disturbed ancestral grave, and things not advancing or retreating.

A dream of a person in his current year of life that he has been lucky lately means that he is victimized by feng shui:His ancestors' graves are disturbed, and he will go back if he does not advance in anything.

When a person in his current year dreams of being naked and fit:It means that he is victimized by feng shui, his ancestors' graves are insecure, and he will go back if he does not advance in anything.

When a person in his current year dreams of frying a big fish:It means that he is victimized by feng shui, his ancestors' graves are insecure, and he will go back if he does not advance in anything.

When a person in his current year dreams of seeing a comrade writing better than me:It means that Feng Shui is being victimized, his ancestral tomb is insecure, and he is going to retreat if he doesn't advance in anything.

A person in his current year dreaming of biting his finger means that he is victimized by feng shui:His ancestral tomb is disturbed, and he will retreat if he does not advance in anything.

People dreaming of black scorpions in their current year of life are victimized by feng shui:Their ancestors' graves are disturbed, and they will go back if they don't advance in anything.

People dreaming of seeing Wukong in their current year of life are victimized by feng shui:And their ancestral graves are disturbed, and they will go back if they don't make progress.

People in business dreaming of ancestral tomb feng shui:Don't be too fatigued, enter the wealth but the body is insecure.

People traveling dream of ancestral tomb feng shui:Go out smoothly as expected.

People dreaming in the current year of life see the saying:Feng shui is victimized, ancestral tomb is uneasy, things are not advancing or retreating.

A dream of a person in his current year of life about Los Angeles:Victimized by feng shui, his ancestral tomb is disturbed, and he will go back if he does not advance in anything.

A person's dream is to see a snake eating a fish:Feng shui victimization, ancestral graves are disturbed, things do not advance, but retreat.

A person in his current year dreamed of seeing a wedding party:Feng Shui victimization, ancestral graves are insecure, and things will go wrong if they don't go right.

A person's dream is to recite poems; Feng Shui is victimized:Ancestral graves are disturbed, and things will go wrong if they don't go right.

For a person in his current year to dream of having a good relationship with someone else's husband means that he is victimized by feng shui:His ancestors' graves are insecure, and he will go back if he does not advance in anything.

When a person in his current year dreams of seeing a stiff:He is victimized by feng shui, his ancestors' graves are insecure, and he will go back if he does not advance.

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