What does it mean to see an ash depository in a hospital?

If a businessman dreams of seeing an urn storage room in a hospital:It means that he will gain wealth and profit, but he should be careful with his money.

People in love dreaming of seeing a hospital's ash storage room:Suggesting frankness, mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing a hospital's ash storage room:Means letting nature take its course, heaven helps people, smooth as desired.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing a hospital's ash storage room predicts the birth of a boy. A girl born in June or July:Delayed birth, peace.

Dreaming of seeing an ash storage room in a hospital:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 2, peach blossom position in the southeast direction, wealth position in the north direction, lucky color is green, lucky food is strawberry.

A pregnant person dreaming of seeing a pot of blood in a hospital is predicting the birth of a male child:And a female child in May or August. Do not lift heavy objects.

A pregnant woman dreaming that she is in an abandoned hospital predicts a girl:And she should pay more attention to her diet.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her daughter and her date want to go to an ash depository predicts a girl and no boy. Beware of miscarriage.

For a businessman to dream of seeing an urn in an ash storage room:Represents reorganizing the interior and starting business again after a while.

People dreaming of seeing the back of a mirror in a hospital means that caution in all matters will lead to smooth sailing:And meeting a nobleman will turn misfortune into good fortune.

People who are traveling dreamed of seeing friends in hospital:Suggest going out smoothly as scheduled.

People in love dreaming of seeing an urn in an urn storage room:Suggests that time to test, delay the wedding date, can become a good match.

Those who are traveling dreamed of storing an urn:Suggest smooth and safe, pay attention not to go near dangerous places.

People dreaming of a place where an urn is stored in the year of one's life implies that one should be cautious of lawsuits and should not go on excursions:Or make a waiver for others.

Dreaming of seeing the hospital ashes storage room:The heart has a little old signs! Today's view of many issues, will be measured with a worldly look, think again sensational things are just a flash in the pan. There is always a day when something goes wrong and people go away. As a result, you will be quite negative in your actions today! You may have to put your plans on hold for a while!

Dreaming of seeing an urn in an ash storage room:According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis, the peach blossom position is in the west direction, the wealth position is in the northwest direction, the lucky number is 9, the lucky color is purple, and the lucky food is Lantern.

Doing business dreamed of seeing the back of a mirror in a hospital:Representing unfavorable partnership with an older person, and later benefited from the help of a woman.

People dreaming of seeing a pot of blood in a hospital means that everything will go smoothly and your people will help you. Real estate is favorable:Preventing friends from betraying trust.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a dead man in hospital:Represents sincerity can get development success.

Traveling people dreaming of seeing a pot of blood in a hospital:Suggests that you can travel, beware of joy and sadness, be calm and take things easy.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a place where an urn is stored is predicting the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the fall. Pay attention to diet and hygiene.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing dead people in a hospital foretells the birth of a daughter:And the birth of a man in the fall.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a crazy woman in a hospital predicts the birth of a boy.

A businessman dreaming that his daughter and her partner want to go to an ash depository:Represents that the spring is unfavorable, but the summer and autumn will be smooth.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing the urn in the urn storage room:Suggests stopping in case of wind, postponing going out.

Travelers dreaming of picking up their dead grandmother from the hospital:Suggesting that it is best to postpone the departure.

People dreaming of seeing a pot of blood in a hospital implies that one may expect to be admitted to a school:But one should not be too careless or confident.

People in love dreaming of a place where an urn is stored suggests respect for each other:Modesty and courtesy, and hope for marriage.

Dreaming of a place where an urn is stored means poor grades.

Pregnant people dreaming of a busy nurse in a hospital:Predicting the birth of a boy, do not go to the south.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a ghost in a hospital:Means poor performance in liberal arts, failing to be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of ashes depository:On behalf of don't believe rumors, not big investment, big change has loss.

People in love dreamed of seeing ashes repository:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing an urn in an urn depository:Predicting the birth of a boy. A girl would be born in summer.

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