Dreaming of eating dumplings omen

A pregnant woman dreaming of eating dumplings has an omen of a male child:And her mother's body is damaged, so she should take more care of herself.

Doing business dreamed of eating dumplings omen:Representing everything smooth, careful to guard against villainy, treachery and betrayal.

People in love dream of eating dumplings omen:Indicating mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is expected.

People dreaming of eating dumplings omen:Means no loss of property, more troublesome things, family luck is not good.

To dream of eating soybeans is an omen of sickness.

To dream of eating cakes:Is an omen of a happy life.

To dream of a white snake is an omen of good fortune.

Dreaming of eating dumplings omen:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is yellow, peach blossom position in the direction of due north, wealth position in the direction of due south, lucky number is 0, lucky food is grapes.

When a woman dreams of planting soybeans:Her husband and wife will have a sweeter relationship.'' To dream of eating soybeans, an omen of sickness.

To dream of being buried:An auspicious omen of wealth.

To dream of silver:An auspicious omen of wealth.

To dream of eating cake:An omen of a happy life.

To dream of eating moon cakes:An omen of a happy life.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating biscuits omen:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving earth, cutting wood.

People in love dreaming of eating cookies omen:Indicating that there is integrity of heart to treat marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of eating leeks is an omen of contracting a disease.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating instant noodles:Omen, predicts the birth of a daughter, the south avoid moving earth.

Dreaming of a white snake is a good omen of wealth.

People in love dreaming of eating jujubes:Omen, indicating that mutual understanding and frank treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of a pear tree is a good omen of wealth.

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