
People traveling dreaming of a straightedge and a ruler suggest that they can go out as scheduled and have a smooth trip.

A person in love dreaming of a straight ruler suggests that a matchmaker's power will lead to marriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of straight ruler:Foretelling the birth of a male, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus miscarriage.

People dreaming of a straightedge and a ruler mean that their grades will not be as good as they want them to be.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of a straight ruler:Representing uncertainty, it is advisable to keep the business or suspend operation.

A man dreaming of a frog is going to be sick. For a woman to dream of frogs:Her expenses will increase dramatically. A businessman dreaming of frogs will lose money.

To dream of wood is an omen of wealth. To dream of transporting wood:Will be given a raise. To dream of transporting wood, one's position will be promoted. To dream of seeing a huge log, is an omen of losing one's fortune.

If you dream of seeing a straightedge:According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis, the lucky number is 4, the peach blossom position is in the northwest, the wealth position is in the southeast, the lucky color is black, and the lucky food is yam.

If you dream of a rope:You will live a long life. To dream of thick rope, you will be rich. A woman dreaming of ropes will never be separated from her husband. For a man to dream of preparing ropes, he will be shy.

To dream of a straightedge and a ruler in the year of one's life:Means that although there are no obstacles and it is smooth, one should be careful to guard against the treachery of small men and the theft of property.

To dream of pulling out teeth means to buy a house and land soon. For a woman to dream of pulling out teeth:Her life will be rich. A businessman dreaming of pulling out teeth would be able to do a profitable business. A farmer dreaming of pulling out teeth, a good harvest. To dream of a toothache, to be rich.

To dream of woolen thread:To be rich. A woman dreaming of woolen thread, to be in labor.

To dream of rope:To live a long life. For a woman to dream of ropes, she will never be separated from her husband. For a man to dream of preparing ropes, he will be shy. A woman dreaming of making ropes will be imprisoned. A prisoner dreaming of making ropes will be taken care of by prison officials. A farmer dreaming of preparing ropes will experience a drought that will lead to a reduction in grain production. To dream of thread and rope, to go on a long trip. To dream of climbing a rope up to a house, will be promoted.

To dream of a parasol — — To dream of a parasol is an auspicious omen. A married man dreaming of a parasol:Has a quiet home environment and a happy life. A married woman dreaming of an umbrella makes her feel that everything is going well and she has no worries. An unmarried man or woman dreaming of a parasol will find the man of his dreams.

A man dreaming of fishing is in danger of a catastrophe. A woman dreaming of fishing will depend on her rich husband for a happy life. A sick man dreaming of fishing will get worse.

To dream of a map - To dream of a map:A friend or relative who has gone abroad will return.

A staff member dreaming of a manuscript will be honored. Unemployed person dreaming of a manuscript will get a job.

A pregnant person dreaming of a straightedge and ruler predicts the birth of a male child:And a female child in spring. Be careful of miscarriage.

To dream of a parrot flying.

For a woman to dream of precious stones is auspicious. For a man to dream of gems is bad luck.

To dream of stones life is hard. For a woman to dream of stones:She will get stomach trouble.

For a man in love to dream of a straightedge on the edge of a ridge:Suggests a postponement of the marriage and a later date.

Dreaming of a straightedge and a ruler:Breaking the pot to the end will make the other person feel that you are not trustworthy enough, it is better to curb your curiosity! Although you have not noticed, but the other party has set up their own "firewall"! Care is sometimes a kind of burden, may wish to put your heart to feel, this kind of well-intentioned interference is how exhausting it!

People in love dream of straightedge and ruler:Indicating that the re-talk, the concept of accommodation, marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of crutches - A man dreaming of crutches has a hard life. For a woman to dream of crutches:Thieves or robbers will visit her house. But the elderly dream of crutches, the later years of life will be happy, comfortable and peaceful. A sick person dreaming of crutches will recover slowly.

A man dreaming of pearls would see his income decrease. A woman dreaming of pearls will lose her jewelry.

Dreaming of an iron pen - dreaming of an iron pen:A great shock of prestige.

Dreaming of slippers - For a man to dream of slippers is a sign of disaster. A woman dreaming of slippers will be separated from her husband. An unmarried man dreaming of slippers will achieve research results and live a happy life. An unmarried woman dreaming of slippers will marry a religious man of high moral character and piety.

A sick man dreaming of singing will have his health restored. A prisoner dreaming of singing will be released. A merchant dreaming of singing:A sudden depression in business.

To dream of being imprisoned symbolizes a change in present life.

To dream of pustules on the tip of the nose:Will be promoted by a leader.

To dream of going up a ladder:To become famous. To dream of going down a ladder, will suffer financially and lose reputation. A student dreaming of falling down a ladder will fail in his studies. A businessman dreaming of falling down a ladder will make less profit. A pregnant woman dreaming of falling down a ladder will have a miscarriage. To dream of losing one's ladder, beware of thieves.

To dream of wearing black clothes:Misfortune will happen to you. To dream of black clothes denotes failure.

To dream of putting out a fire:To dream of putting out a fire, will be in good health.

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