Dreaming of losing stockings

If you dream of losing your stockings:It means you will have a smooth life, but be careful of unexpected losses.

If a traveler dreams of losing his stockings:He is advised to change his mind and slow down for three days before traveling.

A pregnant woman dreaming of losing her stockings predicts the birth of a daughter; a man will be born in winter:So be careful with your maintenance.

If you dream of wearing stockings that fall off:It means that the fall will be favorable for you, but your grades will be unsatisfactory and you will not get what you want.

People in love dreaming of wearing stockings falling off:Suggests resolving misunderstandings, reuniting, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of wearing stockings when stockings are torn:Means unstable emotions, unsatisfactory results.

For a businessman to dream of a dwarf wearing silk stockings:It means that although there are words and rumors of sabotage, it will not affect the profitability.

People who travel dream of wearing stockings to penalize sweeping the floor:Suggest not going out. Postponement.

A pregnant person dreaming of wearing black stockings foretells the birth of a male child:A strong fetus, and a careful passport during labor.

People who go to school dreaming that the stockings they are wearing are broken:Implying poor grades and failure to be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of wearing black stockings predicts the birth of a male child; a female child born in summer means not to be overworked.

Pregnant people dreaming of a woman in stockings:Foretelling the birth of a boy, do not carry heavy objects, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

A person who goes to school dreaming of touching a woman's thigh in stockings means poor grades and failure to be admitted.

People who go to school dreaming of stockings:Means good grades, can be admitted to the ideal school, summer occupation is not good.

For those who dreamed of stockings:It means that although the wealth and manpower increase, it is not as expected.

If a traveler dreams of wearing black stockings:He is advised to delay for a few days before departure.

Those who are traveling dreamed of many nurses wearing white shoes and white stockings:Can go out as scheduled, smooth.

People dreaming of wearing stockings that fall off in the current year of life imply that they can gain benefits:But be careful of lawsuits, and all things will be accomplished for the family and all things will be accomplished.

Those who dreamed of wearing stockings when the stockings were torn:Suggesting to choose another date to depart again.

Those who are traveling dreamed that their wives wore stockings:Not to travel, postpone going out.

People in love dreaming of wearing stockings when stockings are torn:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

If you dream of seeing your sister wearing stockings:Your chances of re-taking the exam are better, so don't lose your ambition.

A pregnant woman dreaming of wearing stockings with torn stockings predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child will be born in August. The mother should take care of herself.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her stockings are torn predicts the birth of a daughter:And in the fall a man.

A person dreaming of stockings in the year of one's life implies a change in everything:A change of occupation, a change of address and a smooth transition.

If a traveler dreams that the black stockings he wears are broken:Postpone the trip for a few days.

If a traveler dreams of wearing black stockings:He would be advised to delay his trip if he gets stuck on the way.

People dreaming of wearing stockings that are broken in the current year of life means that they will get help from noblemen:And will get unexpected wealth.

People in love dreaming of wearing black stockings broken:If you can resolve misunderstandings can be reunited.

People in love dreaming of wearing black stockings:Indicating that perseverance to the end, there is a chance of success.

Pregnant people dreaming of wearing black stockings that are broken:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and the birth of a man in the fall.

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