What does it mean to quit your own job

A pregnant woman dreaming of quitting her job predicts the birth of a daughter. In the fall:A man will be born.

To dream of being dismissed from a job by one's boss:Foretells that one's work will be recognized by the boss.

For a businessman to dream of being dismissed from his job:It means that he will gain a lot of money and profit in real estate.

A staff member dreaming of a bulldozer will be dismissed from his job.

A traveler dreaming of being dismissed from a job is advised to depart on schedule auspicious.

To dream of a broken belt means to be dismissed from a job:Or to be in an extremely unfavorable situation.

A pregnant person dreaming of being dismissed from a job and then finding a job:Predicts the birth of a male child, and the birth of a female child in May, be careful of accidental injuries.

People in love dreaming of being dismissed from a company suggests that after many trials and tribulations

People in love dreaming of being dismissed from a job:Suggesting a second marriage and an unsuccessful first marriage.

People who are traveling dreamed of being dismissed from their jobs:Suggesting postponement or a temporary accident to change the date.

People in love dreaming of finding a job after being dismissed:Suggesting mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

People in business dreaming of being dismissed from a job:Representing smooth operation and gaining wealth and profit, and no changes should be made recently.

Traveling people dreaming of being dismissed crying heartbreakingly:Suggests that nobles help, travel as expected auspicious.

People dreaming of being dismissed from a job means that if you plan well beforehand:You will have no regrets, and caution is essential.

Doing business dreamed of being dismissed from work by boss:On behalf of obtaining wealth and profit, be careful to prevent friends from reneging on their trust (master, customer) to file a lawsuit.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being dismissed from her job by her boss predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is born in winter. Be cautious of miscarriage.

Traveling people dreaming of being dismissed from a company:Suggest postponing the journey in case of rain is better.

Travelers dreaming of being dismissed from a job for no reason suggest postponing and choosing another date for departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their husbands being dismissed from their jobs:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a male, digestive system maintenance good.

A businessman dreaming of his husband being dismissed from his job represents wealth in spring. Summer is unfavorable:Should be improved.

To dream of being a doctor means that you will soon be dismissed from your job:Or your business will be affected.

People dreaming of seeing one's husband being dismissed from his job:Represents gain before loss, and it is better to guard than to reinvest or expand.

To dream of someone being dismissed from his job is a reminder that you must concentrate on your work in the near future so as not to face a bad outcome.

People in love dreaming of being dismissed from work indicates that they should open up the deadlock and reflect on each other with good results.

To dream of being a doctor:You will soon be dismissed from your job or your business will be hit.

People in love dreaming of being dismissed from work by their bosses:Suggesting that there is no harm for a woman to be a little older, as long as she understands each other most importantly.

To dream of driving a machine:You will be dismissed from your job.

A pregnant person dreaming of her husband being dismissed from his job predicts the birth of a male child:Delaying the birth of the child.

People dreaming of doing business dreaming that they are dismissed from their jobs:Representing that it has been difficult to make progress and that losses are destructive and unfavorable.

Those who dreamed of seeing their boss dismissed from their jobs suggest postponing their departure in case of thunderstorms.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being dismissed from her job predicts the birth of a daughter; it would be better if she does not move much:Or else the fetus will be in bad shape.

To dream that one is a doctor:Indicates that one will soon be dismissed, or one's business will be affected.

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