What does it mean that the phoenix is guarded by the flying dragon?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a phoenix guarding a flying dragon foretells the birth of a daughter. In the fall:A boy will be born.

Dreaming of a phoenix guarding a flying dragon means that there is a slight obstacle:But you can expect to be admitted if you have confidence.

People in business dreaming of a phoenix guarding a flying dragon:Representing difficulties in turnover, should be adjusted internally to change the policy in favor.

People in love dreaming of phoenix in flying dragon guarding:Means willing, have integrity to get along with marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing a phoenix in a flying dragon guarding on the side means that the spring and summer seasons are as smooth as one wishes:And more care is taken in the fall and winter when one loses one's property.

Doing business dreamed of snakes jumping aside:On behalf of although there are profits and losses, there is always profit, contentment.

People in love dreamed of snakes jumping aside:Suggesting that for a small matter and quarrel, should explain the misunderstanding clearly.

People dreaming of seeing a son on the sidelines in the current year of life means getting unexpected wealth:Caution against lawsuits, eye disaster, and the phenomenon of reversal.

Doing business dreamed of fighting with mother-in-law and sisters-in-law laughing on the sidelines:On behalf of success and fame, money in and out carefully.

Dreaming of a phoenix flying with a dragon guarding it:Wait patiently for a while! The days of bitterness are coming to an end, and you seem to be starting to feel energized again! Do not because of the loss of the previous period, think in the next stage to make up for the best, the world is still a little better with the fate, so you will not be too hard!

People in love dreamed of fighting with their mother-in-law sisters-in-law laughing at the side:Indicating that the mood is unstable, hot and cold, trust each other marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed that the Taoist priest is actually on the side of death:Represents the initial unfavorable, reorganize the smooth after the wealth.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing a son on the sidelines:Predicting the birth of a man, August accounted for the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent excessive bleeding, the mother's body is not safe.

Traveling people dream of beating others father watching from the sidelines:Slowly wait, have the opportunity to come back.

Doing business dreamed of acquaintances in the meal I serve on the sidelines:Represents that although the progress is slow, there are still benefits, real estate profits.

People in love dreamed of classmates buying gifts I'm on the sidelines to make suggestions:Indicating that both parents agree to extend the wedding time.

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