A dream about buying onions

A traveler dreaming of buying scallions that turn into buying tofu is advised to impede a smooth outing after a few days.

A traveler dreaming of someone buying scallions from me is advised to postpone going out again.

A pregnant person dreaming of buying scallions and peeling them predicts labor pains during the birth of a daughter and more maintenance.

For a businessman to dream of buying scallions and then tofu:Represents strengthening of internal work and success after difficulties.

A pregnant woman dreaming of buying onions and tofu predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in summer, a safe mother and an unfavorable son.

For a businessman to dream of buying scallions in a vegetable market:It means that there will be ups and downs and many losses, so deal with them personally and start afresh.

Traveling people dreamed of buying onions after feeling bad don't:Suggest there is a big change, be careful of fire, postpone the departure is better.

People dreaming of buying scallions in a vegetable market:Means don't believe in one side of the story, all things get people and can be as smooth as you wish.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying green onions in a vegetable market predicted the birth of a male child:Beware of fetal death.

People in business dreamed of buying onions and peeling them:Representing profit and wealth, fame and fortune, it is advisable to handle with more caution.

People in love dreamed of buying scallions in the market:Suggesting loss of confidence due to villainous sabotage, should consider more, can be married.

Doing business dreamed of buying scallions but turned into cucumbers:On behalf of wealth and profit, not very smooth, suitable for wood industry, can make money.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying onions and then feeling bad don't want it:Predicting the birth of a girl, September to give birth to a boy.

People dreaming of buying green onions but turned into cucumbers:Means that things do not move, and gas produces wealth. Smooth as expected.

Doing business dreamed of buying onions and then don't want:On behalf of operating for many years slowly grow, have wealth and profit, be careful of fire.

Pregnant people dreamed of buying big and good onions:Predicting the birth of a man, fall occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of buying green onions:On behalf of not being able to concentrate on one thing, gain and lose, no benefit.

People in love dreaming of buying scallions:Suggests marriage can be accomplished, but delayed marriage, auspicious celebration.

People in business dreamed of buying scallions and feeling bad about not wanting them:Representing loss of property, not investing, waiting for the right time to operate again.

People in love dreamed of buying peanuts and scallions falling into a pit:Indicating that after some twists and turns and tests, finally get married.

People in love dreamed of buying big and good scallions:Suggesting that due to the villain's destruction of the loss of confidence, should consider more, can be married.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying onions and then not wanting them:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man. Be careful when climbing up.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying peanuts and rice onions falling into a pit:Predicting the birth of a boy, health situation is not good.

A pregnant woman dreaming of buying onions that turn into cucumbers predicts a boy. A girl will be born in March or April. Be cautious of miscarriage.

People dreaming of buying onions and tofu means unstable mood:Unable to meditate, the south is better to go less.

People dreaming of buying onions and peeling them in the year of life means tongue and cheek:Be careful not to be implicated, framed, and the plague of lawsuits.

Pregnant people dreamed of someone buying onions from me:Predicting the birth of a daughter. Winter occupies the birth of a man.

Travelers dreaming of seeing their boyfriends buying scallions:Suggests that in case of rain, the trip will be postponed, smooth and safe.

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