What does it mean to dream of buying a corset?

If you dream of buying a corset:It means that your business is going well, and you will have a good fortune, and you should be careful with your money.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying a corset:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, to prevent miscarriage.

People in love dreaming of buying a corset:Suggesting that more interaction and communication could lead to marriage.

People dreaming of buying a corset means that if you are not afraid of difficulties and have confidence:You will be admitted one day.

People dreaming of buying a corset implies that you will be able to obtain financial benefits or accidental partial fortune:Seize the opportunity.

People dreaming of seeing a dirty corset in the current year of life means that one should be careful not to let a friend betray one's trust or lose one's temper at a banquet.

When a businessman dreams of losing his corset:It means that he will lose before he gains, and his profit will be tripled. The person who dreamed of seeing his classmates wearing a corset lost his corset represented that he would win three times as much profit.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing classmates wearing a missing corset:Predicting the birth of a male, a female in April or May. Be careful with your diet and pay attention to nutrition.

A businessman dreaming of a corset represents many initial obstacles and losses:But having confidence and then gaining money smoothly.

Dreaming of buying a corset:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is orange, lucky number is 3, wealth in the northwest direction, peach blossom position in the west direction, lucky food is carrot.

Doing business dreamed that the corset floated away and came back:Representing the desirability of retreat and defense, big business, big failure.

People in love dreaming of a dirty corset:Suggesting that the concept is difficult to send communication, back to the road. Difficult to find.

Pregnant people dreaming of forgetting to wear a corset:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female postponed a few days delivery.

Pregnant people dreaming of others wearing open-breasted clothes on the catwalk:Predicting the birth of a male, April and May accounted for the birth of a female. In summer, go out less.

People in love dreaming of others wearing open-chested clothes on the catwalk:Indicating mutual trust, some people want to sabotage will not help, can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of a corset floating away and coming back:Predicting the birth of a girl or twins, smooth and safe.

For a businessman to dream that his corset is dirty:It means that he has to go through a period of obstacles and difficulties before he can make a profit.

A pregnant woman dreaming of losing her corset predicts the birth of a daughter. The month of December will bring the birth of a boy.

If a traveler dreams of a woman's corset:He is advised to postpone his return home for a few days and be safe.

People in love dreaming of losing a corset:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

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