Dreaming of a dead potted plant

A pregnant woman dreaming of a dead potted plant predicts the birth of a boy. In summer:A girl will be born, but go to the south less often.For a businessman to dream of ... Read more

Dreaming of a happy tree wilting

For those who are in love:Dreaming of a happy tree withered, suggests that marriage will be a success if you treat each other honestly.If you are pregnant and dream that ... Read more

Dreaming of an apricot tree dying

A traveler dreaming of an apricot tree withered and died is advised to postpone his departure.If you are pregnant:Dreaming of an apricot tree withered and died, foretelli... Read more

What is the sign of a sapling dying

A pregnant woman dreaming of a sapling dying predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in winter.Doing business dreamed of saplings withered and died:Representing... Read more

What does withered willow mean?

To dream of a withered willow tree:Foretells that misfortune may happen to you.People who are traveling dream of withered willow trees and are advised to stop and postpon... Read more