Dream:Patient goes home to work

For those who are in love:Dreaming of a patient coming home to work, suggests that the marriage is ripe for the best spouse and the marriage can be accomplished.

People who go to school dreaming of a patient going home to work:Means that the results of the first examination are good, but the results of the second examination are poor and cannot be achieved as desired.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing a patient working:Suggest to postpone departure for a few more days.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing a critically ill person at work:Choose another date to go out.

Pregnant people dreaming of a critically ill person at work:Giving birth to a male child, be careful to prevent fetal demise.

A businessman dreaming of seeing a sick man at work represents that he will gain wealth and profit in the fall and be successful with the help of his friends. In summer:It means loss of wealth.

Doing business dreamed that mom went home from working in the field:On behalf of your help, in the plight of slow change is better.

Traveling people dreamed of working for dad:Suggest smooth and safe, delay a day or two to go home.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing her husband working outside and coming home:Means poor grades, unsatisfactory, unable to fulfill their wishes.

People who are traveling dreamed of working in a crop field:Suggest going out safely and coming home safely.

People dreaming of seeing their boss working means not visiting the sick:Avoiding funerals, and having a bad time at home.

People dreaming of seeing a dead person at work in their current year of life means not visiting the sick:Avoiding funerals, and the rest of the world going well.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a sick person going home:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful not to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a critically ill person at work:Favorable fortune, socializing and socializing should be careful.

People traveling dreamed of seeing a comatose patient recovering and returning home:Suggesting going out smoothly as expected.

People in love dreamt of seeing a patient at work:Suggests that if they can trust each other, they will be happy together, otherwise they will be separated.

People dreaming of patients working in the current year of life:Means mixed fortunes and misfortunes, there is a chance of promotion, prudence is important.

People dreaming of hospitalized patients returning home:Can't get what they want, there are obstacles.

People dreaming of seeing a family working in the fields:Do not visit the sick, avoid funerals, family misfortune.

People who go to school dreamed that the patient is working:Means that the results are not ideal can not be admitted, science more effort.

People in love dream that they don't don't work fly home with:Indicates mutual understanding, can be married.

Traveling people dreaming of taking people to work:Suggests according to the original way back and forth, postpone a day or two to go home no harm.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing a patient returning home:Predicting the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing her husband working outside and returning home:Predicting the birth of a man, spring occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent the birth of a fetus.

People dreaming of seeing a critically ill person at work in the current year of life:Unfavorable far profit, at work, on the way to pay attention to safety and caution against injury.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a long time sick person become beautiful:Safe going out and safe coming home.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing her mother returning home from working in the field:Predicting the birth of a male child, and the birth of a female child in spring.

People in love dreamed that their mother came home from working in the field:Indicating that marriage can be accomplished with honesty.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing several deceased people working one after another:Suggesting to postpone going home for a few days, safe and sound.

The traveler dreamed that her husband came home from working outside:Suggesting to choose another date for departure.

Traveling person dreamed of carrying a patient:Smooth and safe, delay a day or two to go home.

People dreaming of others working in a cesspool:Means handling affairs carefully, smooth as desired, do not visit the sick.

People dreaming of traveling see hospitalized patient go home:Postpone one or two days to go out again.

Doing business dreamed that her husband was working outside and came home:Representing not listening to rumors, there is wealth and profit to be gained, big auspicious and smooth.

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