What does it mean when you dream of two streaming eyes or a ghost?

If you are traveling and dream that your eyes are streaming with ghosts:You are advised not to go out.

For those who dreamt of seeing two eyes streaming or a ghost:It means that although business progress is slow, there is still money to be made.

People dreaming of seeing two eyes streaming or a ghost:Means that the liberal arts is poor, on the verge of admission.

For those who are pregnant:Dreaming of seeing two eyes streaming or a ghost, foretells the birth of a girl or twins, smooth and safe.

For those who dreamed of seeing two eyes streaming or a ghost:It means that things will go well as expected and there will be joyful celebrations at the door.

Those who dreamed of seeing their son's eyes being gouged out by others and delaying their trip in case of rain or sandstorms.

For a businessman to dream of a new well with two eyes:Represents difficulties at the beginning of a project, a thorough plan is necessary.

A pregnant woman dreaming of two new wells predicts the birth of a male child; if it happens in August:A female child will be born.

A traveler dreaming of seeing his dead father's eyes glowing green suggests stopping in case of rain or wind and delaying the departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of two clear springs predicts the birth of a boy. In the fall:A woman was born.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their dead father's eyes glowing green:Foretelling the birth of a man, fall occupying the birth of a woman, pay attention to diet.

If a person in love dreams of seeing two eyes on his hand:It means that mutual understanding will lead to marriage.

People in love dreaming of sister with two eyes cattle:Suggests postponement of not exposing to marriage, to talk about later.

People dreaming of seeing two new wells implies that one's performance in science is relatively good:And one should have confidence and work hard again.

A businessman dreaming of seeing two wells in his sister's house represents a loss first:Reorganizing and then operating, and a favorable outcome.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a strange woman bleeding from both eyes predicts the birth of a boy. In spring:A woman will be born. Smooth and safe.

When a businessman dreams of seeing two eyes on his hand:It means that there will be ups and downs and obstacles, and that he will reorganize and reopen his business internally.

A pregnant woman dreaming of bleeding from both eyes and finally losing her eyesight predicts the birth of a boy; a woman in summer:Be careful not to move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of two small wells in her house predicts the birth of a girl. In spring:A boy is expected.

A person in love dreaming of two clear springs indicates that she is about to get married and is looking for a good opportunity.

People dreaming of two clear springs in the current year of life means promotion in position:But be careful of bloodshed.

For those who are in love:Dreaming of two new wells, means that after many trials and tribulations

Those who are traveling dreamed of a mother-in-law with two red eyes:Suggesting to stop if there is a storm and delay the departure.

A traveler dreaming of a strange woman bleeding from both eyes suggests a change of location or a change of date.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a python with two glowing eyes predicts the birth of a daughter with thinning hair. Prevent miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of water coming out of a two-eyed well predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in the summer months, preventing a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a man she loves looking at me twice predicts the birth of a girl; a boy in the winter months.

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