Dreaming of a clear and deep river

People who are traveling dream of a river that is clear and deep and delay their departure.

If a person in love dreams of a river being clear and deep:His marriage will be a success if he treats it with honesty and sincerity.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a clear and deep river will give birth to a daughter:But be careful during the first trimester.

People dreaming of a river clear and deep in the year of life:More introspection and vigilance, too just will offend people, be careful to prevent victimization.

Doing business dreamed that the river is clear and deep:First loss and then gain, triple the profit. Mouth and tongue are unavoidable.

When a businessman dreams that the water of the Yellow River is big and clear:He is unable to gain profit amidst many obstacles, and will plan again.

If you dream of seeing the river clear and deep:Your lucky number is 7, peach blossom position is in the direction of south, wealth position is in the direction of north, lucky color is blue, and lucky food is bread according to Zhouyi's five elements analysis.

If a person in love dreams of deep and clear water:It means that marriage can be accomplished after the career is fixed.

Dreaming of a wide and deep river under a bridge:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 1, peach blossom position is in the east direction, wealth position is in the southeast direction, lucky color is black, lucky food is taro.

People dreaming of crossing the Wanquan River when the water is clear means real estate loss:Bad feng shui, all things are not going well, it is advisable to retreat and defend.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing the river deep and clear water to put the phone into the water:Give birth to a man, the mother's body is weak, the spring to give birth to a woman.

A person dreaming of seeing a wide and deep river under a bridge in his current year of life implies that there will be many obstacles to his luck in the summer and fall:And that things will be smooth in the winter and spring.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a wide and deep river under a bridge predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in winter. Do not be overly tired.

People dreaming of crossing the river water deep and clear put the cell phone into the water:Arts performance is poor, affecting the admission score.

Dreaming of river water is clear and deep:Want to have a good precipitation, but it is not easy as you wish. Your enthusiasm will flatter your lover. There is a sum of money in the account, which loosens the hand a lot. Working hard for people and being busy for people, you can't see anything as good as you want.

If a pregnant person dreams of the Yellow River being big and clear:She foretells the birth of a daughter in the fall, and is careful to guard against the birth of a child.

Doing business dreamed that the water of Wanquan River is clear and clear:Representing that one can get wealth and profit, summer occupies unfavorable.

Those who dreamed of clear and deep water suggested stopping in case of rain and delaying the rain before departure.

People dreaming of clear and deep water mean that their grades are unsatisfactory and it is difficult for them to be admitted.

People in love dreaming of a wide and deep river under a bridge:Suggesting willingness and honesty in marriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a wide:Deep and long trench predicts the birth of a male child, a female child in the summer months, and caution against accidents.

People dreaming of seeing the clear water of Wanquan River means that the preparation is not enough:The result is not satisfactory, and it is difficult to be admitted.

If a businessman dreams of deep and clear water:It means that the last one or two years will be unfavorable, but the future will be smooth and profitable.

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