What does it mean when my son sleeps with me in the dirt field of my hometown?

If you are pregnant and dream that your son and I are sleeping in a dirt field in your hometown:You are predicting the birth of a daughter, and if you are pregnant, you are predicting the birth of a boy.

If you are traveling and dream that your son and I are sleeping in an old dirt field:You are advised not to go on a rainy or windy day, and to postpone your trip.

Doing business dreamed that my son and I slept in the old dirt field:Representing more losses and obstacles, it is appropriate to defend or reorganize the internal.

People in love dreaming of son and I sleeping in the old dirt field indicates that marriage can be accomplished with honesty and sincerity.

People dreaming of son and I sleeping in the old family dirt field:Means promotion in position, gaining wealth and profit, and tongue is unavoidable.

People in love dreamed that the old family field knots broad beans:Indicates that the maintenance of the body, and gas and humility to get along with, marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing my son and I sleeping in the field:Predicting the birth of a daughter, mother and daughter safe. A male child will be born in September and October.

This year's person dreamed of old family field broad beans:Means that all matters guard. Prevent small people from framing, thieves, be careful at the water's edge.

I dreamed that my son and I slept in the old family field:Like a burning flame waiting for moths to put out the fire, I stand at an advantage and wait for the prey to come to the death automatically. The work can be a little strong, even if some of the opposition will be your momentum will be suppressed. However, you need to pay attention to some of the temptations around the same time, don't give in to the temptation to give up your own opinion. In addition, the shopping luck is quite good, kill the price of a special set of it!

Pregnant people dreaming of soil Tianqi:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent miscarriage in always.

Doing business dreamed of a green rice paddy in his hometown:Representing practical operation, smooth as desired.

Doing business dreamed of earth field seven genus:On behalf of smooth luck, benefit a lot, prevent mouth and tongue.

Doing business dreamed of seeing green crops growing in the paddy field of his hometown:Representing smooth financial success, tongue and quarrels, and losses in the fall.

Pregnant people dreamed that they slept on the ground in front of their neighbors' door:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female.

A pregnant woman dreaming of sleeping on the ground in front of her neighbor's house predicts the birth of a boy; a pregnant woman dreaming of giving birth to a girl in spring predicts the birth of a boy.

A pregnant woman dreaming that she and her child are sleeping on straw in a field predicts the birth of a male child and a female child in August. The mother is safe and the child is unfavorable.

Pregnant people dreaming of elephants sleeping in a field:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People in love dreaming of seeing my son and I sleeping in a field:Suggesting that after both sides recognize the family situation, marriage can be accomplished within the year.

People in love dreamed of earth field seven:Indicating mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing my son and I sleeping in a field:Means that the science subject is a bit poor, the results are not as good as expected, it is advisable to work hard.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a green field in their hometown:Predicting the birth of a male child, and the birth of a female child in the spring. Beware of strange tumors.

A traveler dreaming of sleeping in a field is advised to be careful of fire and postpone the trip.

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