Do you dream of crossing a river and stepping on mud?

A pregnant woman dreaming of stepping on mud while crossing a river predicts the birth of a daughter with thinning hair. It is a sign of a miscarriage.

Dreaming of stepping on mud while crossing a river means that you will not get good grades in liberal arts and will not be admitted.

People in business dreaming of crossing a river while stepping on mud:Representing a lot of losses, reorganization, it is better to defend than to enter.

People in love dreaming of crossing a river and stepping on mud means unstable mood:Hot and cold, trust each other, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of crossing a river stepping on mud:Means that although there is wealth and profit, but the mood is uneasy, it is advisable to pay attention to the official runes.

Traveling people dreamed of stepping on a rocky shore to cross a river and go ashore:Suggesting that when it rains, it stops, postponing the trip.

Pregnant people dreamed of crossing a river when the bridge was broken:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, mother's safety, son unfavorable.

People in love dreaming of crossing a river bank when the tide falls into the water:Suggests that both sides are too strong, can not give in to each other, have to split up.

People who are traveling dreamed of crossing a river with very fast water:Suggesting that there is no need to fight for a moment, choose another date to travel.

Pregnant people dreamed of stepping on a rocky shore to cross a river and land on the bank:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and winter occupying the birth of a man.

A pregnant woman dreaming of crossing a river by stepping on a rock predicts the birth of a daughter:While a pregnant woman dreaming of crossing a river by stepping on a rock predicts the birth of a son.

A pregnant woman dreaming of swimming across a river foretells the birth of a daughter; a man in winter:Be careful to prevent a miscarriage at all times.

If you dream of crossing a river:Everything will go smoothly and good news will come to you frequently. A prisoner dreaming of crossing a river will soon be released from prison. A businessman dreaming of crossing a river will turn a loss into a profit.

A pregnant woman dreaming of crossing a river predicts the birth of a daughter. In the fall:A boy is expected.

A pregnant woman dreaming of crossing a river bank foretells the birth of a boy:A strong fetus, and a careful passport during labor.

Dreaming of crossing a river while stepping on thin mud:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, wealth is in the southeast direction, peach blossom is in the east direction, lucky number is 1, lucky color is white, lucky food is persimmons.

When a businessman dreams of falling into a river while crossing it:It represents steady operation and no changes. It will be smooth and not much money will be made.

For those who go to school:Dreaming of crossing a river by stepping on a stone, means difficulties and obstacles, and not being able to fulfill one's wishes.

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