Dreams about baby boy teething

A dream about a newborn baby boy teething implies poor grades in science:But good grades in other subjects.A pregnant woman dreaming of a newborn baby boy with teeth pred... Read more

Dreaming of a teething child

A traveler dreaming of a teething child is advised to travel on a sunny day.A pregnant woman dreaming of a teething child predicts the birth of a daughter. Do not be over... Read more

What does baby teething mean

A pregnant woman dreaming of a baby with baby teeth is predicting the birth of a daughter and a delay in the delivery date.Pregnant people dreaming of a baby with a lower... Read more

What is the omen of son's teething

If a traveler dreams of his son's teeth:A windy day will delay the trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of her son's teeth predicts the birth of a boy.People in love dreaming o... Read more