Dream:Pissed on by a love rival

A traveler dreaming of being urinated on by a love rival is advised to postpone the journey if there is rain:But a sunny day is feasible.For a businessman to dream of bei... Read more

Dreams about pirate flags

Dreaming about flags will have good news.Dreaming of flags will have good news.Dreaming of flags means there is good news.To dream of a flag indicates good news.Traveler ... Read more

Dream:Cat with five legs

If you are traveling and dream of a five-legged cat:You are advised to postpone the trip if there is rain, but it is feasible on a sunny day.If you are pregnant and dream... Read more

Dreaming of Chen Xunru

If you are traveling and dream of Chen Xunru:You are advised to postpone the trip if there is rain, but it is feasible on a sunny day.Doing business dreamed of Chen Xun R... Read more

A dream about a small yellow flower

People who go to school dreaming of small yellow flowers:Their grades are poor in liberal arts and they can't be admitted.Those who are traveling dream of old many small ... Read more

Dreaming of my ex-wife hitting me

A pregnant person dreaming of his ex-wife hitting me predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in the summer months, dietary caution.If you are traveling and drea... Read more

Dreaming of being a mistress

People who are traveling dream of being a mistress are very happy; if there is rain:It will be postponed, but it is feasible on a sunny day.People who go to school dreami... Read more