Do you dream of your kang collapsing?

To dream that a kang collapses in one's own house in the year of one's birth means that one's life will be peaceful and everything will not go smoothly.

For a businessman to dream of his kang collapsing:It means that his business will start off well but gradually go downhill and he will not be able to make any profit.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her kang collapsing predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the winter, so be careful not to move the earth and move the fetus.

People in love dreaming of their own kang collapsing suggests that they should clear up misunderstandings after quarreling over trivial matters.

If a traveler dreams that his bed collapsed while he was sleeping:He should postpone his departure.

For those who dreamt of a kang collapsing and running water in their birthday year:It means that there will be bitterness before sweetness, reviewing the past and planning for the future, and the latter half of the year will be better.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fire in a collapsed kang predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in the spring is a good idea:But be careful not to let the fetus die in the womb.

A person dreaming that a kang collapsed while sleeping means that things are not going well:And health is not good, so it is better to take care of yourself.

If a traveler dreams of a fire in a collapsed kang:He would suggest postponing the trip.

People in love dreaming of a kang collapsing while sleeping:Suggesting willingness and honesty to get along with each other to make marriage a success.

For a person in love to dream that a kang collapsed and was smoking:Suggests that a marriage may be accomplished, but delaying the wedding is auspicious.

For those who dreamed that their bed collapsed and smoke was coming from it:It means that they will not be admitted if they answer a lot of questions wrongly.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed kang foretells the birth of a daughter.

For those who dreamt of a collapsed kang in their current year of life:It means that it is better to keep the old business, not to make big investments, and to be cautious of lawsuits.

If a businessman dreams of a collapsed kang:It means good fortune, but be careful of lawsuits and fire.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed kang foretells the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in spring.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed kang foretells the birth of a boy. In June or July:A girl will be born, and the birth will be delayed and safe.

A pregnant woman dreaming that the roof of her house has collapsed predicts the birth of a daughter; she should go out less often to climb mountains.

A traveler dreaming of seeing the wall of his house collapsed is advised to depart as scheduled.

People in love dreaming of a collapsed kang:Suggesting that misunderstandings should be explained clearly, and marriage could be accomplished.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her boyfriend collapsed her kang predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Don't be overworked.

People in love dreaming of a collapsed kang:Suggesting that they can understand each other and apologize, and can get back together.

If a businessman dreams that his kiln collapses:It means that he will gain money from his business. Preventing lawsuits.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed kang is a good dream for a male child. A girl will be born in June or July.

To dream that your bed has collapsed:It is time to give yourself a break. Although your spirit is still excited, your physical condition is not so good! A new job/school is about to start, so it's better to rest and adjust your work schedule to meet the new challenges.

If you dream of a fire in a collapsed kang:It means that you will improve your products and raise the standard of your products, and your business will be successful and profitable.

Those who are traveling dreamed that the kang collapsed and they fell into it:Suggesting that if you are trapped on the way, you can postpone your departure for a few days.

A pregnant woman dreaming that a kang collapsed while she was sleeping predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in the winter months is a good idea; be cautious of difficult labor and take good care of the mother.

For those who dreamed that a bed collapsed and they fell into it:It means that they will not be admitted to the school.

If a traveler dreams that the tombstone of his deceased neighbor is beside his kang:He suggests that it is feasible to travel in the spring, while others should postpone their decision.

For a businessman to dream that a kang collapsed while he was sleeping:Means recruiting new talents and reorganizing business operations.

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