Meaning of dreaming about planing wood with a planer

A traveler dreaming of planing wood is advised to delay his departure due to sandstorms and winds.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a planer predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.

People in love dreamed of planer:Suggests disagreement, confidence shaken.

Pregnant people dreaming of buying a carpenter's planer on the way to school:Predicting the birth of a daughter, smooth, safe mother and child.

Doing business dreamed of planing tree roots for sale:Represents in real estate, timber, fruit and vegetable get wealth and profit, progress is slow.

Doing business dreamed of making a fence with timber:Get wealth smoothly, be careful to prevent small person from framing, a little change.

To dream of a planer:Foretells smooth winning success, which makes you very happy. This dream foretells that you will be truly loved and never under false pretenses.

People in love dreaming of building a house out of wood:Suggests that both personalities are conservative and stubborn, it is advisable to understand each other.

People in business dreaming of building a house with timber represents loss of property:Loss of capital, fire prevention and lawsuits to avoid more misery.

Traveling people dreaming of splitting wood with fuzi:Suggest delaying home for a few days, safe and sound.

A traveler dreaming of building a house with timber suggests postponing departure for some reason.

Pregnant person dreamed of burning kiln with wood and leaking water:Predicted the birth of a boy, be careful with fire and water, also avoid moving earth, moving the fetus.

This year's people dream dream with timber test lamb:Means can get wealth and profit, be careful to guard against lawsuits, water and fire be careful.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of a bird planing a woman's birth dead:Represents in stationery, publishing, or timber, round art industry gain profit and wealth, smooth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a bad man's head being plowed with a hook predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.

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