What does it mean to lose a pretty stone?

A pregnant woman dreaming of losing a beautiful stone predicts the birth of a daughter; be careful at the water's edge and guard against miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of losing a beautiful stone:On behalf of not expanding the business, it is better to keep, stable can get wealth.

People in love dreaming of losing beautiful stones:Suggests excessive comparison, personal affinity is different, more sympathetic can be accomplished.

People dreaming of losing a beautiful stone:Means not to be rash, courageous but not resourceful, careful to guard against official symbols.

Dreaming of losing a beautiful stone:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is orange, lucky number is 8, peach blossom position in the northwest direction, wealth in the east direction, lucky food is kiwi.

A pregnant woman dreaming of losing her beloved stone in front of her eyes would give birth to a male child:While a female child would be born in summer. Be careful not to move the earth or move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of picking up a beautiful stone:Represents the first half of the year is unfavorable, the end of the year is smooth, there is wealth.

Pregnant people dreaming of beautiful stones:Predicting the birth of a man, August birth of a woman, mother and child peace.

People dreaming of losing a stone in the current year of life:Retreat from everything, be careful of dietary poisoning, be careful to guard against official symbols approaching.

People in love dreaming of picking up beautiful small stones:Suggests that as long as mutual trust, eventually become a couple, marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of beloved stone lost in front of eyes:Spring have obstacles, after smooth get wealth, prevent have lost.

People in love dreaming of beautiful stones:Indicating that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dream of losing stones:There is the phenomenon of second marriage, the first marriage is not successful.

Pregnant people dreaming of many beautiful stones:Some like jade, predicting the birth of a boy, the mother's body is damaged, more maintenance.

Doing business dreamed of picking up beautiful small stones:Representing uncertainty, it is appropriate to keep. Small do small earn.

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