What is the omen of preparing for an exam and finding a place to read and study?

People who go to school dreaming of preparing for a test to find a place to read and study means that the results of the liberal arts are poor and cannot be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of preparing for a test and looking for a place to read and study:Representing the successful acquisition of wealth, be careful to guard against villainous vilification, friends betrayal of trust.

Pregnant people dreamed of preparing for the exam to find a place to read and study:Predicted that you can expect to give birth to a man. April and May to give birth to a woman. Summer attention to diet.

People dreaming of preparing for a test to find a place to read and study:Means to be careful out, damage to blood and light, or fracture trauma.

People in love dreamed of preparing for the test to find a place to read and study:Indicating that although there is a gap in age, mutual understanding and forbearance of marriage can be accomplished.

Going to school dreamed of not wearing shoes looking for shoes and dirty:Means don't be double minded, concentrate on preparing for the exam can be admitted.

Going to school dreamed of girlfriend looking for ex-boyfriend:Means don't be double-minded, concentrate on preparing for the examination can be admitted.

School people dreaming of finding a missing bed:Means having patience to prepare for the examination, reaching the heart's desire to be admitted.

People who go to school dreaming of having a hard time taking a test means having the patience to prepare for the test and achieving the desired admission.

A person who goes to school dreaming of a series of crisps:Has patience to prepare for the examination, reaches the wish of admission.

A school going person dreaming of wet quilt:Has patience to prepare for the examination, reaches the heart's desire admission.

A student dreams of making a deposit:Having patience to prepare for an examination, reaching a wish to be admitted.

A student dreaming of being imprisoned:Has patience to prepare for an examination, and reaches his wish to be admitted.

A student dreaming of a mule cart:Has the patience to prepare for an examination, reaches his wish to be admitted.

A student dreaming of looking for underpants means not to be double-minded:Concentrating on preparing for the examination can be admitted.

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