Dream: On a farm

A traveler dreaming of meeting his favorite person on a field bank is advised to go out safely and return home safely.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being on a farm predicts the birth of a male child; a woman in the fall suggests caution against fetal demise.

People in love dreaming of being on a field:Suggesting that after many trials and tribulations, they may hope to get married.

If a pregnant woman dreams of meeting her favorite person on a field:A male child is predicted; if the mother's body is weak, a female child is predicted in the spring.

For a businessman to dream of being on a field:It represents a big obstacle, internal disagreement, and a poor business operation.

For a businessman to dream of running into his favorite person on a field bend represents a smooth start to business:But a gradual downward slope, with no profit to be made.

Pregnant people dreaming of jumping on a field:Foretelling the birth of a boy, the health situation is not good.

Those who dreamed of fish loach overturning on a field:Suggested postponing or canceling a trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of repairing a high field:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving, preventing miscarriage.

A pregnant person dreaming of repairing a high field:Suggests postponing or canceling a trip after a few days of obstruction.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed field predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People who dreamed of sitting on a field bank in the current year of life mean not to visit the sick:Avoid funerals, and the rest will go smoothly and as expected.

People dreaming of jumping on a field bank represent loss of property:Loss of capital, fire prevention and lawsuit prevention to avoid more misery.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a field being washed away by a rainstorm predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is born in spring. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Dreaming of burying black worms in a field can press bricks:Hoping to become prominent in the circle of friends mood, let your speech a little exaggerated it. You are always in the occasion will not be cold, people also like you.

This year people dream of field can be full of herbs:Means that the family property luck is not good, a small intolerance is chaotic, tolerance and humility is smooth.

Travelers dreaming of field cans collapsed playing cards to win:It is recommended to postpone another date to go out.

Doing business dreamed of sitting on a field:Represents that although the progress is slow, but there is also wealth and profit to be gained, after improvement is better.

Pregnant people dreaming of repairing a field to block water:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female. Be cautious of miscarriage.

Those who dreamed of seeing a collapsed field:Suggesting that there is a different date for departure, and to depart again later.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a collapsed field:Foretelling the birth of a daughter; a man in winter.

According to Zhouyi five elements analysis:The lucky color is black, lucky number is 0, peach blossom position is in the east direction, wealth position is in the southeast direction, lucky food is chestnut.

People in love dreaming of repairing a high field:Suggesting that they are about to get married and grasp good fortune.

For a businessman to dream of repairing a high field:It means that his business will not run smoothly and will come to a standstill due to many difficulties.

For those who dreamed of repairing a field bank to block water:It suggests to follow the plan and have a safe journey.

People in love dreaming of a field full of herbs suggests mutual honesty and marriage.

People who are traveling dreamed that the field was washed away by heavy rain:Suggesting safe travel.

People in love dreaming of burying black worms in a field and pressing bricks on it suggests misunderstanding and verbal disputes:As long as they understand each other, marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of burying black worms in a field and pressing bricks on it:On behalf of spring accounted for wealth, summer accounted for unfavorable wealth.

People dreaming of meeting a favorite person on a field bank in the current year of life implies that all matters should be guarded and careful when going out to prevent injuries and bloodshed.

Those who dreamed of jumping on a field:Suggest waiting for the right time before traveling. There is a danger of wind and water when going out.

For a businessman to dream of walking across a field:It means that although there are words and rumors of sabotage, it will not affect the profitability of the business.

A pregnant woman dreaming of burying black worms in a field and pressing bricks on it predicts the birth of a male child; both mother and child are weak; beware of miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of sitting on a field bank suggests many obstacles. Postpone traveling.

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