Dreaming of a boy friend I haven't seen for a long time

If you are in love and dream of seeing a boy friend you haven't seen for a long time:It means that you can understand each other and get married.

If you are pregnant and dream of seeing a boy friend you haven't seen for a long time:You are predicting the birth of a girl, and if you are expecting a boy in the winter, you are afraid that it will be difficult to keep her alive.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a boy friend who had not seen him for a long time:On behalf of not proceeding, wood industry is unfavorable, water industry trade is smoother.

People dreaming of seeing a boy friend they haven't seen for a long time means that there will be ups and downs in the smoothness:But in the end, it will be profitable and fruitful.

People who dream of seeing a boy friend they haven't seen for a long time:Suggest traveling as scheduled, smooth.

Dreaming of beloved boys and their own good:Today choose to rest at home, if the mood will be more calm and peaceful. There is also a chance to get in touch with friends you haven't seen for a long time and receive greetings from them.

Pregnant people dream of seeing long-lost friends and relatives:Give birth to a daughter, be careful not to wind and cold.

People in love dreaming of seeing a friend of the opposite sex whom they haven't seen for a long time:Suggesting that a matchmaker's power may lead to marriage.

People dreaming of seeing a boy from the next class who has not been seen for a long time:Means that he is often misunderstood or suspected, but he will be lucky if he is not annoyed at the beginning of everything.

Those who dreamed of seeing a friend who had not seen me for a long time call me:Postpone the trip for a few days.

People in love dreaming of seeing long-lost boys lying together:Suggests that if you can trust each other, you will finally get married, otherwise you will be separated.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing a friend I haven't seen for a long time borrowing money from me means that you will fail in your exams. Poor grades.

People in business dreaming of not seeing a boy for a long time represents unfavorable operation:Losses and gambling addiction. Loss of wealth is unfavorable.

When a businessman dreams of seeing a boy from the next class who has not seen him for a long time:It means that the business will be unfavorable at first, but will be smooth after reorganization.

When a businessman dreams of seeing a boy he hasn't seen for a long time:It means that the market price is rising, the profit is small, and the business will be reorganized from the beginning after the first loss.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a long-lost friend:Predicting the birth of a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing an old friend whom they have not seen for a long time:According to the plan, going back and forth safely.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a long-lost friend:Suggests according to the original plan to proceed safely.

Doing business dreamed of seeing long gone boys lying together:On behalf of don't believe rumors, not big investment, big change have loss.

People who go to school dreamed of long time no see friend call me:Slightly impeded, have confidence can hope to be admitted.

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