Dreaming of the first human

A pregnant woman dreaming of the first human predicts the birth of a male child.People dreaming of the first human represents financial gain:But not expanding investment,... Read more

Dreaming of being around your idol

For a person in love to dream of being around his idol indicates a second marriage and an unsuccessful first marriage.A pregnant person dreaming of being with her idol pr... Read more

Dream:Three twos

People in love dreaming of six coins three heads and three tails have triangular relationship disputes or second marriages.A pregnant person dreaming of three twos predic... Read more

Dreams about having three hamsters

Doing business dreamed of raising three hamsters:Business is unfavorable, growth is slow, loss stops business.Pregnant people dreamed of raising three hamsters:Giving bir... Read more

Dreaming of threatening an old man

A pregnant woman dreaming of threatening an old man is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Be careful when climbing up.If you dream of t... Read more

What does two bears mean?

A pregnant person dreaming of two bears predicts the birth of a male child and a female child in May.For a person in love to dream of five bears in his mother's house:Sug... Read more