Dreams about Ruby Macaws

A pregnant person dreaming of a ruby macaw predicts the birth of a boy.If you dream of a ruby macaw while traveling:You are advised to delay your departure in case of clo... Read more

Dreaming of Sapphires

To dream of a sapphire is usually indicative of a good life and happy love. If you dream of losing a sapphire:It foretells ups and downs in love.To dream of a sapphire is... Read more

Dreams about the Rose Ruby Ring

A pregnant person dreaming of a rose ruby ring predicts the birth of a daughter; move little or the fetus will be sick.People in love dreaming of a Rose Ruby Ring:Suggest... Read more

Dream:Gemstone ring

People traveling dreaming of a gemstone ring with a gemstone broken off are advised to be careful in case of water:And can return home safely.Traveling people dreaming of... Read more