What is the omen of your right eye?

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing her right eye red:According to Zhouyi's Five Elements analysis, wealth is in the east direction, peach blossom is in the northwest dir... Read more

Dreaming of your right eye jumping

Doing business dreaming of right eye jumping right eye jumping:Represents profit and wealth. It is a good sign of wealth and profitability.Pregnant people dreaming of a j... Read more

Dreaming of gouging one's right eye

People in love dreaming of digging out their right eye:Suggests that both sides are too strong and can't give in to each other, so they have to split up.For those who dre... Read more

Dreaming of eyebrows being shaved

A traveler dreaming of shaving his eyebrows and injuring them:Advises a smooth trip and an uneventful return.A traveler dreaming of having his eyebrows shaved is advised ... Read more

Dreams about jumping eyelids

A pregnant woman dreaming of a jumping eyelid under her right eye predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.If you dream of a jumping eyelid under the... Read more