Dream: Body missing

A pregnant woman dreaming of her relative's death whose body was missing predicted that she would get a woman in spring and a man in winter.

People who are traveling dreamed of seeing their relative's body missing:And postponed going out again in case of rain.

Doing business dreamed that relatives died but the body did not see to find the body:Represents obstacles, property loss, stopping business, wait for the time to move.

School people dreaming of their relatives died but the body does not see the body:Means everything goes well, can be admitted to the northern district exam.

People dreaming of their relatives died but the body does not see looking for the body:Means peace and harmony in peace and happiness, otherwise the mouth is wrong official litigation.

Traveling people dreaming of seeing a hole in the body and seeing the body cavity:Suggests postponing going out in case of rainy days.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a body I drink balsam soup:Represents the initial obstacles, losses, have confidence and then successfully get wealth.

People dreaming of seeing a burning corpse:Means that all things are trapped, miss the opportunity to regret, it is advisable to be more adaptable.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing the body of a loved one do not see:Give birth to a man, April accounted for the birth of a woman, be careful not to move the fetus.

People traveling dreamed of seeing a corpse disappear:Go as scheduled, companion and travel, be careful when encountering water.

People in love dreamed of seeing a corpse I drink borscht:Suggests that after a period of mutual understanding before the result.

People in love dream of seeing a corpse:Suggests being kept in the dark, will be shortcomings cover up, there is a risk of regret.

Dreaming of seeing a corpse:Today, the heart is good, self-perception of the physical condition is quite good, ran a three kilometers, gas does not gasp, the heart is not chaotic, but to prevent the fire attack, do not argue with people, in addition, do not think, even if there is trouble also left to think about it tomorrow.

People in love dreaming of seeing a corpse not see:Suggests that as long as the confidence is firm, marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of a corpse and a pregnant woman:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful not to move the fetus.

People dreaming of father's body:Will be near the edge of admission, suitable for more gas.

Traveling people dreaming of car accident corpse:Suggests changing date of departure.

People dreaming of seeing a dead body don't see:Means body I maintain, pay attention to nutrition, have wealth and profit.

The person who dreamed of seeing the body I drink balsam soup:Means that there is wealth and profit can be obtained, but money in and out carefully. Can not for people for insurance.

Doing business dreamed of dreaming of corpses:On behalf of the smooth in a slight obstacle.

Travelers dreaming of seeing a corpse:Suggests a safe and smooth round trip, do not change the journey is good.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a corpse and drinking borscht:Suggesting that the sky is not as one would like it to be, postponing the trip.

Dreaming of seeing a corpse:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is green, lucky number is 5, wealth in the south direction, peach blossom bit in the southeast direction, lucky food is lotus root.

If a person in love dreams of seeing a corpse he doesn't know:It means that he is dedicated to his feelings and his marriage will be successful.

People in business dreamed of seeing a naked female corpse and a baby's corpse:Representing a lot of business losses, it is better to retreat and defend.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a dead body:Foretelling the birth of a man, fall occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent fetal death.

Pregnant person dreamed of burying a child's body:Predicted birth of a daughter, do not approach the water.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing a corpse she does not recognize is predicting the birth of a daughter. A pregnant woman dreaming of burying a dead child's body predicts the birth of a girl.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a corpse in a river of blood predicts the birth of a daughter; a male child is expected in September.

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