Meaning of dreaming about a field full of watermelons

A traveler dreaming of a field full of watermelons is advised to postpone going out on a rainy day.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a field full of watermelons predicts the birth of a boy. In the summer:A woman will be born, so be careful not to have a miscarriage.

People in business dreaming of a field full of watermelons:Representing a pause or unfavorable operation, it is advisable to defend.

Travelers dreaming of a watermelon full of Metaplexus:Suggest delaying departure, be careful when encountering water.

People in love dreaming of a field full of raw watermelons:Suggesting disagreement, confidence shaken.

Pregnant people dreaming of a field full of watermelons but not too ripe:Predicting the birth of a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl. Go to the south less often.

People in love dreaming of a field full of large watermelons suggests that marriage can be accomplished with mutual trust. There will be joyful celebrations in the fall.

A pregnant person dreaming of a field full of winter melons and watermelons predicts good luck for a girl:But bad luck for a boy, and difficulty in raising a child.

Dreaming of a field full of watermelons:According to Zhouyi Five Elements analysis, wealth is in the east direction, peach blossom is in the northwest direction, lucky number is 3, lucky color is black, lucky food is tomato.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a field full of watermelon seeds is predicting the birth of a male child:While a female child will be born in August. The mother should take care of herself.

People dreaming of watermelon seeds means joyfulness:Wealth and officialdom, and smooth fortune.

This year's people dreamed of falling Metaplexus watermelon:Means that the family god ancestor tablet uneasy, all things are not as good as expected, should be cautious.

Pregnant people dreaming of Metaplexis watermelon:Foretelling the birth of a man, the fall occupies the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent the fetus from moving.

Doing business dreamed of watermelon:On behalf of hard to find. Many obstacles, poor management, loss, not profitable.

People in love dreaming of a field full of watermelon seeds:Indicating a second marriage or a first marriage with ups and downs.

People dreaming of a field full of watermelons but not too ripe:Means to get wealth and profit, to have alms, to do merit and virtue will be better.

People dreaming of a field full of watermelons in the current year of life means that there are financial gains to be made:Small investments are auspicious, large investments are fierce, and gradual progress is being made.

People dreaming of watermelons represent more obstacles and disagreements:But it will be better after a period of time.

Dreaming of a field full of eggs:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is orange, the wealth position is in the east direction, the peach blossom position is in the northwest direction, the lucky number is 5, the lucky food is watermelon.

If you are pregnant and dream of a field full of watermelons:You are expected to give birth to a boy. In summer, a girl will be born.

Pregnant people dreaming of a field full of watermelons predicts the birth of a boy:And the birth of a girl in the fall. Be careful of accidental injury.

People dreaming of a field full of watermelons implies that the examination hall in the south is favorable:Otherwise it is unfavorable and not as expected.

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