Dream:Brothers and friends waiting for me to eat

A traveler dreaming of a brother and friend waiting for me to eat will delay his departure if he encounters wind.

A pregnant woman dreamed of her brothers and friends waiting for me to eat:Giving birth to a girl, and a boy in September.

Traveling people dreamt that I was hungry brothers and friends waiting for me to eat dinner:Smooth outing, return insecure.

Doing business dreamed of brother friend wait for me to eat:Smooth get wealth, careful guard against villainous vilification, friend backstabbing.

People dreaming of brothers and friends waiting for me to eat dinner:Get wealth and profit, set up real estate, smooth as desired.

Traveling people dreaming of deceased relatives waiting for me to eat:Suggests that in case of rain, stop, postpone and then set off.

People dreaming of family meal not wait for me:Means to remove unnecessary worries, should be in the mood to let go, it is appropriate to guard not to enter.

Doing business dreamed I'm hungry brother friend wait for me to eat dinner:Financial misfortune, not big investment, appropriate guard, wait for the time to come.

People in love dreamed of dead uncle said wait for me to eat:Indicate maintenance of the body, and gas humility get along, marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of great aunt waiting for me to eat:On behalf of profit has ups and downs and obstacles to slow progress, be careful to guard against lawsuits.

Pregnant people dreaming of the opposite sex waiting for me to eat:Predicting the birth of a daughter, in September and October to give birth to a male.

People in love dreamed that my sister-in-law waited for me to eat:Suggesting that do not quarrel over small things, too strong people are difficult to match into a pair.

Doing business dreamed of dead uncle said wait for me to eat:On behalf of the phenomenon of change of profession and change of line of business, should be more careful, otherwise the loss is greater.

Pregnant people dreaming of dead friends waiting for me to go out:Predicting the birth of a man, be careful to prevent fetal death.

People in love dreamed of brothers and friends waiting for me to eat:First love has many twists and turns, and then become a couple, marriage smooth.

People in love dreaming of dead relatives waiting for me to eat:Suggests a slight resolution of the impasse, slowly communicate after marriage can be accomplished.

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