Dreams about my father's head rotting and dying

If a person in love dreams that his father's head is rotten and dying:It means that mutual understanding and sincerity will make the marriage a success.

People dreaming of seeing their father's head rotting and dying:Representing mixed success and loss, it is advisable to retreat and reorganize and then operate.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing their father's head rotting and dying:Predicting the birth of a boy. June and July to give birth to a daughter, safe and smooth.

The person who dreamed of seeing his father's head rotting and dying:Means that there is wealth and profit to be gained, but money in and out carefully. Can not for people as a guarantee.

Travelers dreaming of their feet rotting almost dead:Suggesting that the summer occupation is unfavorable, the rest is feasible.

Travelers dreaming of father's illness and dying:Suggests that there are obstacles on the way, be careful when meeting fire and water.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her late father dying predicted the birth of a male child:While a female child was born in summer. A pregnant woman dreaming of her late father dying predicted the birth of a boy; a woman in the summer.

People dreaming of seeing their father dying of illness means that they will not be admitted to their desired school.

For a businessman to dream of four elephants dying:Means bad luck, bad business, not to expand investment.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their father dying:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, and a thousand gold, destiny, why sigh.

This year's people dreamed of their feet rotting dying:Means that the water is careful, be careful to prevent the loss of property, family turmoil is inevitable.

People dreaming of seeing their father dying of cancer mean that their grades are unsatisfactory and it is difficult for them to be admitted.

People in love dreamed of seeing their late father dying:Suggesting that the timing of the proposal will bear fruit and the marriage can be accomplished.

People who dreamt of seeing four elephants dying and crying:Means failing to achieve one's wish, inner main conflict, unable to be admitted.

People who go to school dreaming of dying after hitting their head means that they have to go through twists and turns before they can be admitted to the exam as they wish.

For a businessman to dream that his father is dying:Means that he should not engage in catering, fishing or trading, but other things can go smoothly.

Travelers dreaming of hitting their head and dying:Suggest rectifying the departure smoothly.

Doing business dreamed of seeing his late father dying:Represents unstable, often change, cautious against lawsuits.

People in love dreamt of father dying of illness:Suggesting mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is promising.

Traveling people dreaming of four elephants dying:Suggest postponing the trip for a few days.

Pregnant people dreamed of hitting their head and dying:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, be careful not to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of hitting one's head and dying:On behalf of small person's design, profit is not smooth, a little change turns to be smooth.

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