Dreams about the new title of River Water Clear Lost Remodeling

A pregnant woman dreaming of a river clearing up and getting lost and remodeling her new title predicts the birth of a male child:While the month of August in the fall accounts for the birth of a female child.

If a businessman dreams of seeing a river clearing up and getting lost and transforming a new title:It means that there is a loss of profit, and that the business will be reorganized in the north and then operated again.

Those who dreamed of seeing the river clear and lost and remodeled with new titles meant that they would concentrate on the same thing and would not waver:And would ultimately be successful.

People in love dreamed of river clear and lost remodeling new title:Suggests unstable mood, hot and cold, trust each other marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of river clear clear lost remodeled new title:Means cautious against villainous design trap, be careful, do not enter the yin god yong.

Doing business dreamed of only clear river water:On behalf of property manpower although increased, but not as desired.

People in love dreamed of clear river water and catching roosters:Both sides of the intentionality, and suffered villainous sabotage.

People in love dreaming of a clear river means that if you trust each other:Your marriage will be a success. There are joyful celebrations in the fall.

People in love dreaming of a clear river running forward:Suggests that marriage can be accomplished if there is honesty in dealing with it.

Pregnant people dreaming of a curved river with clear water:Predicting the birth of a girl in summer and a boy in fall, and preventing burns.

School dreamed of clear river water and flowers:Means poor science results, does not affect the admission score.

Doing business dreamed of clear river water:On behalf of financial gain, real estate is favorable, progress is slow and patient.

Doing business dreamed of clear river water:On behalf of not listening to pay words, smooth operation, fame and wealth.

School people dreaming of a curved river with clear water:Means that the southern district examination center is favorable, without changing the subject can be admitted.

Pregnant people dreaming of clear river water with fish:Give birth to a boy, fall occupying the birth of a girl, do not go to the netherworld cemetery.

People dreaming of a clear river running forward means poor results in oral exams and liberal arts:Affecting admission.

Traveling people dreaming of clear river water and flowers:Suggests that in case of rain postponement and then go out.

Doing business dreamed of clear river water and flowers:Represents smooth obtaining wealth, preventing villain, stealing property and public funds.

Pregnant people dreaming of a clear and clean river:Predicting the birth of a boy, safe and smooth.

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