Dreaming of an elephant made of trees

A pregnant woman dreaming of an elephant made of trees predicts the birth of a male child:While spring and summer account for the birth of a female child. The mother should take good care of herself against wind and cold.

If you are in love and dream of an elephant made of a tree:You may expect to get married. Don't let small things cause arguments and destroy the marriage.

People in business dreaming of elephants made of trees:Represents a bad situation, between movement and stopping, it is better to guard than to advance.

People dreaming of elephants made of trees in the current year of their lives means that they can gain benefits:But be careful of lawsuits, and all things will come true for the family and the community.

Those who dreamed of making elephants to carry trees suggest going out smoothly.

Doing business dreamed of stone made elephant:Represents business loss chore much, three places within appropriate retreat, not big investment.

Doing business dreamed of tree without root:Partnership cause less do, obstacle more, hard to get wealth and profit.

Doing business dreamed of purple tree:Represent have wealth and profit, not very smooth, suitable to do wood industry, can make money.

Doing business dreamed of fresh elephant skin:On behalf of not doing food, fishing, trade, other can be smooth.

Doing business dreamed of green vines:On behalf of not doing food, fishery, trade, other can be smooth.

Doing business dreamed of seeing Bodhisattva sending elephants:Representing not to do partnership business, not to make big investment, and it is better to keep and not to enter.

A businessman dreaming of a big pit surrounded by shaking rocks and trees represents that one should not engage in food and drink:Fishery and trade, but other things can go smoothly.

People dreaming of elephants made of stone in the year of life means that they are often misunderstood or suspected:But all things are not troublesome in the beginning and there is good luck in the end.

Doing business dreamed of trees falling down in a row:Representing the cause of partnership less, more obstacles, difficult to get wealth.

Doing business dreamed of happy tree:Represents partnership cause less to do, obstacle more, difficult to get wealth and profit.

When a businessman dreams of seeing a tree with a light figure:It means that he should not do food, fishery or trade, but other things can go smoothly.

People in love dreaming of making elephants carry trees:Indicates that for a small matter and quarrel, should explain the misunderstanding clearly.

People in love dreaming of a child touching an elephant and then the elephant turning into clouds:Suggests that there is hope if mutual misunderstandings can be clarified.

People in business dreaming of a tomato tree:Represents not to do diet, fishery, trade, other can be smooth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a tree that can be used as a table predicts the birth of a male child; be careful with food and drink:And avoid moving earth.

People in business dreamed of a wooden house made of trees and I went inside:Representing a loss of business, to reorganize and start again.

People in love dreamed of an elephant biting me have seen an elephant:Suggests that after a period of mutual understanding before the result.

This year people dream of elephant inquiries:Means that the waterfront less go, do economic people, real estate to make money profit.

People dreaming of traveling to see a neighbor's house buying a tree for a door:Encountering a thunderstorm, postponing departure.

Doing business dreamed of thunder and lightning make tree on fire:Partnership business less, obstacle more, difficult to get wealth and profit.

Pregnant people dreaming of making elephants carry trees:Foretelling the birth of a boy, mother and child are both weak, be careful of miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of a tree that can be used as a table:Representing smooth operation, do not reinvest, smooth and profitable.

Doing business dreamed of can tree:Have wealth and profit, not very smooth, suitable for wood industry, can make money.

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