Dreaming of Memorial Tablet

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing a monument of remembrance predicts the birth of a male child:While the sixth and seventh months account for the birth of a female chil... Read more

Dreaming of cutting someone's head

A pregnant woman dreaming of cutting someone's head foretells the birth of a male child:And in the fall she expects a female child, so be careful with your diet.A pregnan... Read more

Dreaming of Family Laundry

People who are traveling dream of family members washing clothes:It is better to find a companion to travel with, you can go out.Pregnant people dreaming of family laundr... Read more

How do you dream of a metal disk?

If a person in love dreams of a metal disk:He/she will understand each other and get married.A pregnant woman dreaming of a metal disk will give birth to a baby girl:Whil... Read more