Dreams about old cabinets

A traveler dreaming of a loved one's cupboard is safe on a trip.

A traveler dreaming of a cupboard:In a thunderstorm, postpones his departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a new cupboard predicts the birth of a daughter:Beware of fetal demise.

Traveling people dreaming of cupboard on fire:Suggests smooth out of out.

People dreaming of cupboards broken:Poor performance in liberal arts, hard to get admission.

Pregnant people dreaming of cupboards:Pots and pans, predicting the birth of a boy. Spring occupies the birth of a woman. Smooth and safe.

Doing business dreamed of cleaning cupboards:Represents a smooth after a hard struggle, there is money to be gained.

Doing business dreamed that the cupboard is broken:The hard work of the operation, get friends to help and then smoothly get money.

People who go to school dreaming of asking friends to help repair cabinets:Means that the results are not satisfactory, difficult to be admitted.

Pregnant people dreaming of cleaning cupboards:Predicting the birth of a boy, May give birth to a girl, be careful to prevent accidental injury.

People in love dreaming of a cupboard on fire:Suggests that if you can convince both parents to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of cabinet boards:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring taking the birth of a man, pay attention to nutrition.

People in love dreaming of a new cabinet:Suggesting mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is promising.

Pregnant people dreaming of cabinets were moth-eaten:A male, summer months, a female, preventing fetal gas.

Doing business dreamed that there is snow on the cabinet:Represents appropriate to retreat and defend, big business, big failure.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing her brother hiding in a cupboard:Predicting the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a woman, the south less go.

People dreaming of loved ones cabinet:Choose friends carefully, cautious against villainous design trap, excursions less go.

Doing business dreamed of new cabinets:On behalf of obstacles, loss of property, stopping business, wait for the time to move.

Pregnant people dreaming of kitchen cabinets collapsed:Give birth to a woman, spring accounted for the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

Traveling people dreaming of asking friends to help repair cabinets:Suggest that in case of rain postpone departure for a few days.

People in love dreaming of cabinet boards:Indicating mutual understanding and respect, marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of cupboard being infested:When doing when stopping, property loss, operation not smooth.

Doing business dreamed of wife cabinet:Represents smooth financial profits, not blind investment.

Traveling people dreaming of someone emptying cabinets to my house:Suggest safe coming and going.

Traveling people dreamed of new cabinets:Suggest according to the plan, to and from the peace.

People who go to school dreaming of a cupboard on fire:Means not being able to be admitted to the school as one wishes.

Pregnant people dreaming of asking friends to help repair a cupboard:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving earth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her wife's cupboard predicts the birth of a daughter. In spring:A male is expected.

Doing business dreamed of cabinets:Successful wealth, careful to prevent lawsuits, should not be expanded.

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