Dreaming of red lotus flowers

A pregnant woman dreaming of a lotus pond full of red lotus flowers is predicting the birth of a daughter.If you are traveling and dream of a lotus pond full of red lotus... Read more

Dreaming of pants

A traveler dreaming of trying on pants and buying pants is advised to postpone the trip.A traveler dreaming of putting on pants and taking off pants suggests postponing t... Read more

Dreams about making sandwiches

A traveler dreaming of making sandwiches is advised to go out as desired:But beware of thieves.If you are traveling and dream of making sandwiches:You are advised to post... Read more

Dreaming of absolute limits

For those who dreamt of absolute limits while traveling:It suggests delaying the journey in case of rain, or possibly encountering unfavorable people.For someone who goes... Read more

Dreams about Auntie Dead and Gold

Travelers dreaming of a dead aunt and gold are advised to stop and delay their departure in case of rain.Pregnant people dreaming of a dead aunt and gold:Predicting the b... Read more