What does it mean to dream of a river, river god, opening a river and releasing

If a businessman dreams of the River God opening the river and releasing the water:It means that he will get wealth smoothly and as he wishes, but he should not expand his investment.

A pregnant woman dreaming of the River God releasing water from a river is predicting the birth of a boy. If a girl is born in March:She will be difficult to raise.

People dreaming of seeing the River God opening the river and releasing water in the current year implies that all matters should be guarded:Property should be prevented from theft and loss, and care should be taken at the water's edge.

People in love dreaming of River God opening the river to release water:Indicates unstable mood, hot and cold, mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of river river god open river release water:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 5, peach blossom bit in the north direction, wealth in the southwest direction, lucky color is yellow, lucky food is sweet potato.

People dreaming of seeing the river god in the current year of life means to be cautious against lawsuits:Be careful when encountering stormy days, and go out less.

People dreaming of river god:Suggest unfavorable far profit, delay before going out.

Those who dreamed of seeing the river god in a businessman's dream:Represents uncertainty and much loss, think of ways to rectify the situation.

Those who dreamed of seeing a river god and dragon in a school dream implies that one's grades are poor and one will not be admitted to the school.

A pregnant woman dreaming of opening a river ((()):A woman would be lucky, a man would be bad, and it would be difficult to raise her.

For a businessman to dream of a river god dragon:It means a lot of obstacles, internal disagreement and bad business.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a river god marrying a wife predicts that she may expect to give birth to a daughter:While a man will be born in the fall.

A businessman dreaming of seeing the river god saying I look like a child represents that he has not gotten the luck of the hour. One should be careful with one's property.

A traveler dreaming that someone's car drove into a river suggests postponing the trip:Something is troubling him.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a car driving into a river predicts the birth of a daughter.

Dreaming of a river god opening a river and releasing water:Even if your performance has always been good, as long as you show a little tendency to be loose in these two days, it is likely to become the object of criticism by your boss/teacher or elders.

Those who are traveling dreamed of river god dragon:Suggest there is a big change, be careful of fire, postpone the departure is better.

For those who go to school:Dreaming of driving a car in a river means that you can be admitted with good grades. Be careful in the oral examination.

A businessman dreaming of a river god's wife pregnant with a baby girl:Represents suffering a destructive blow, resulting in unfavorable operation and loss.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing the river god's wife pregnant with a baby girl:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter and spring accounted for the birth of a man. Be careful not to move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of driving a car into a river predicts the birth of a daughter:And in the fall, a male. Be careful with your mind.

If a traveler dreams of driving a car in a river:He is advised to stop when encountering wind and delay going out.

Doing business dreamed of opening a river:On behalf of business is not good, meet evil people damage, careful to prevent small people.

People dreaming of river god marrying wife means unstable mood:Many ups and downs and obstacles, best to have firm confidence.

Traveling people dreamed of river god wife pregnant with a baby girl:Suggests smooth, out of no harm.

School dreamed of opening the river ((()):Poor grades, and then wait for next year to work harder.

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