Dreams about restrooms collapsing

To dream about a restroom:A restroom is a place to clean dirt from outside the body and to eliminate urine and feces. A restroom in a dream is a reflection of inner thoughts of some kind.

To dream of a restroom is some kind of reflection of inner thoughts. To dream of a restroom that is too dirty means that the dreamer desires to remove something that is not useful to him or her:But is unable to do so. To dream that the restroom is clean and elegant means that the dreamer is living an elegant life and doing well. To dream of anxiously looking for a restroom and not finding it until halfway through the day implies that the dreamer has a preference for thinking about things that are not useful to him or her. To dream of cleaning a restroom means that the dreamer wants to get rid of and remove all negative elements.

A pregnant person dreaming of washing her hands in a restroom predicts the birth of a daughter:Be careful when driving and do not move the fetus.

A traveler dreaming of a leaky restroom suggests postponing a trip.

A traveler dreaming of defecating in a restroom is advised to have a smooth journey.

Traveler dreaming of cleaning restroom:Suggests windy less go out, postpone travel again.

A person who goes to school dreaming of cooking dumplings in a restroom implies that he is on the verge of admission.

People who go to school dreaming of water leaking from a restroom implies that one's grades are unsatisfactory and one is not admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of peeing in the restroom predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the fall.

A pregnant woman dreaming of blood in her restroom predicts the birth of a daughter; do not move the earth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a restroom predicts the birth of a daughter. A male child is born in January and February.

Pregnant people dreaming of digging out the restroom predicts a male child:Be careful not to move the earth.

Travelers dreaming of flushing the restroom:Suggests that there is no harm in having a quarrel on the way, smooth round trip.

People in love dreamed of washing hands in the restroom:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished if one is touched by sincerity.

People in business dreaming of washing hands in a restroom:Representing the beginning of a smooth day, there are obstacles in the middle of the day, perseverance can gain wealth and profit.

People in love dream of restroom:Both sides are too strong, can't give in to each other, have to split up.

Pregnant people dreaming of restroom water:Foretelling the birth of a man, autumn occupying the birth of a woman, peace.

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