Dreaming of a boyfriend getting hurt

People who are traveling dreamed that their boyfriend fell down and got hurt:Suggest that they can go out smoothly and come back safely.

Pregnant person dreamed of boyfriend injured:Predicting the birth of a male, fall occupying the birth of a female, body more maintenance.

Pregnant people dreamed of fighting with her boyfriend and was injured:Predicted the birth of a male, spring and summer accounted for the birth of a female.

Pregnant people dream of seeing their boyfriend injured:Predicting the birth of a man. Summer occupies the birth of a female, the south less go.

Doing business dreamed that her boyfriend was injured:On behalf of less change is good, the south is favorable, can get wealth and profit.

Doing business dreamed that his boyfriend was injured:On behalf of financial gain, not to expand investment, or loss.

Dreaming of boyfriend injured:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, wealth in the northwest direction, peach blossom bit in the west direction, lucky number is 1, lucky color is orange, lucky food is carrot.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing their boyfriend fall and get hurt:Predicting the birth of a man, a woman in April or May, summer occupying a false alarm.

Doing business dreamed that her boyfriend fell down and was injured:On behalf of financial gain, real estate is favorable, progress is slow and patient.

People in love dreamed of boyfriend's face injured:Suggests that there is honesty in treating marriage can be accomplished.

People in this year dreamed of seeing a friend injured:Means going out to be careful, damage to blood and light, or fracture trauma.

People in love dreamed of seeing boyfriend injured:Indicating that there are small people from the destruction, if there is confidence and sincerity of marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of boyfriend injured:Means all things are not good, unfavorable to travel, trauma, car accident, do not go to the northwest.

People dreaming of boyfriend injured:Means quarrels, lawsuits and litigation, be careful to prevent friends from reneging on their trust.

School dreamed of boyfriend fell down and got hurt:Means literature is not very ideal, science achievement is better, close to admission.

Traveling people dreaming of girlfriend injured:Suggests going out smoothly.

Traveling person dreamed of girlfriend's foot injured:Suggests encountering water be careful, change date.

People in love dreamed of boyfriend fell and got hurt:Suggests that although there are small people from which to destroy, misunderstanding can be clarified.

Doing business dreamed that boyfriend's face was injured:On behalf of can get wealth and profit, have patience to operate, have ups and downs and then get auspicious celebration.

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