Dream:People burning their clothes

A pregnant woman dreaming of someone burning her own clothes predicts the birth of a daughter:To be conceived at intervals of three more years.

Those who are traveling dreamed of burning someone else's clothes with a cigarette:Suggesting to proceed safely according to the original plan.

People dreaming of burning their own clothes represent a lot of wealth and profit in real estate.

Doing business dreamed of burning one's own clothes:On behalf of smooth as expected, not overconfident again big investment.

People in love dreaming of others burning their own clothes:Suggests perseverance to the end, there is a chance of success.

Pregnant people dreaming of others burning a pile of clothes:Predicting the birth of a boy, the mother's body is damaged, more maintenance.

A pregnant woman dreaming of burning old clothes almost burned herself predicts the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a girl:To prevent difficult labor.

Pregnant people dreaming of burning other people's clothes with a cigarette:Predicting the birth of a boy, the fetus is strong, be careful of the passport during labor.

Travelers dreaming of burning clothes on fire:Suggests a smooth trip.

A traveler dreaming of burning his clothes can depart as scheduled.

Traveling people dreaming of burning one's own clothes:Suggests temporarily something postpones the departure.

Traveling people dreaming of burning my clothes:Suggest going out as scheduled.

A pregnant woman dreaming of burning her own clothes predicts the birth of a daughter. Autumn and winter would predict the birth of a male.

A pregnant woman dreaming of burning her own clothes predicts the birth of a girl. In the first and second months of the year:A man is expected, but be careful of impact.

A traveler dreaming of burning his favorite clothes suggests a safe trip.

If a traveler dreams of burning someone else's clothes:He should stop when he encounters the wind and delay going out.

Pregnant person dreamed of burning my clothes:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, do not approach the water.

Pregnant people dreamed of burning their own clothes:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful not to move the fetus.

People dreaming of burning other people's clothes means poor performance in liberal arts:Affecting admission.

People in love dreaming of burning one's own clothes:Suggests initial disagreement, and then cultivate feelings can be expected to get married.

People in business dreaming of burning others' clothes:Represents stable operation, don't change. Smooth, not much money.

People dreaming of burning their own clothes means that their fortune is not smooth:And they should not make big investments or changes.

People dreaming of doing business dreaming of burning someone's clothes with a cigarette:Representing honesty, unity and hard work, career development.

People who are traveling dreamed of dreaming of burning their own clothes:Suggest postponing the trip for a few days.

People dreaming of burning one's own clothes:Means that in seeking to be sure to get, smooth as expected, careful to guard against rumors of lawsuits.

Those who are traveling dreamed of clothes burning their body and hair:Suggest that they can travel as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of burning other people's clothes:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, do not approach the water.

School people dreamed of holding a cigarette and burning other people's clothes:Means that the specialized small consistent no longer change the department, there is hope for admission.

Traveling people dreaming of burning their clothes by others:Suggests that in case of wind, postpone the departure for a few days.

A traveler dreaming of burning one's own clothes is advised to postpone departure in case of wind.

Pregnant people dreaming of burning other people's clothes:Give birth to a boy, summer occupies the birth of a girl, do not overwork.

People dreaming of burning other people's clothes:Everything cautious can be smooth, coincidental encounter with a nobleman to turn misfortune into good fortune.

Traveling people dreaming of others burning clothes:Suggests postponing departure for some reason.

People dreaming of burning their own clothes:Means that the science achievement is more, to have confidence and try again.

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