Dreams about home business slump

A pregnant woman dreaming of a downturn in her family's business is predicting the birth of a daughter.

For those who dreamed of seeing a downturn in business at home:It means that there is a slight obstacle, but if you have confidence, you can expect to be admitted to the school.

People in love dreaming of a downturn in business at home:Suggesting mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of a slump in business at home:There is a possibility of conflict with family members, but it is not the time to take a clear stand. You need to be patient for a while with their constraints on you.

To dream of a famine denotes that the economy is going through a slump and your poor health and poor spirits may be the cause of your business not doing well.

For a businessman to dream that his family's noodles are being eaten by others represents a social situation that is causing a downturn in the economy and poor operations.

For a businessman to dream of a burglar in his home represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of seeing rats at home represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of going to his lover's house and being seen by his mother-in-law represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of having a house full of broken glass represents a social situation resulting in poor weather and poor business.

Doing business dreamed of growing figs full of fruits at home:On behalf of the social situation resulting in poor prosperity, business is not good.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a sick white dog at home:Represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity, business is not good.

For a businessman to dream of seeing an old log at home:Represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

For a businessman to dream of a fire in his house that is about to explode:Represents a social situation resulting in bad weather and poor business.

To dream of a famine indicates that the economy is in the doldrums and that your poor health and mental health may be the cause of your poor business operations. And in a dream if your enemy dies from hunger:It denotes that you are in competition with him and you will get the victory in the end.

For a businessman to dream of moving things out of his house:It represents a social situation causing bad weather and poor operation.

For a businessman to dream that his house was burglarized and he did not see the burglar:Represents a social situation resulting in bad weather and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of killing a pig at home without killing it:Represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of having things smashed at home represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of a fire at home represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of seeing relatives coming to his home to play represents a social situation resulting in poor prosperity and poor operation.

A businessman dreaming of his home being robbed by a group of people represents a social situation resulting in poor weather and poor business.

A businessman dreaming of having his home robbed and sent back represents a social situation resulting in poor weather and poor operation.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a lover come home and meet her husband:Represents the social situation resulting in poor prosperity, operation is not smooth.

A businessman dreaming of a cannon at home represents a social situation resulting in poor weather and poor operation.

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