What does it symbolize to dream that your husband is rekindling an old flame wit

A pregnant woman dreaming of her husband rekindling his old flame with someone else is predicting the birth of a daughter:But if it's a male fetus, she won't be able to keep it.

If you are in love and dream that your husband is rekindling his old flame with someone else:It means that you can expect to get married after a lot of tests.

For those who dreamed of seeing her husband rekindling his old flame with someone else:It means that the beginning is unstable, but after a while, she will be successful in gaining wealth.

People dreaming of seeing her husband rekindling her old flame with someone else means that there is wealth and profit to be gained:But money in and out of the country should be careful. Cannot guarantee for others.

Pregnant people dreaming of husband's old love rekindled:Giving birth to a daughter, cutting wood and avoiding earth moving, moving the fetus.

Pregnant dreaming of her husband living with his old lover:Predicting the birth of a boy. July and August to give birth to a girl.

Pregnant person dreaming of husband and old lover kissing:Give birth to male. Spring occupies the birth of a female, preventing the movement of the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of boyfriend and ex-girlfriend old love rekindled:On behalf of the loss of wealth is unfavorable, can not expand the operation, should be small not big.

People dreaming of seeing their boyfriend and ex-girlfriend rekindling their old flame means that they should not be discouraged:And can be admitted if they work hard again.

Pregnant people dreaming of old love rekindled:Give birth to a male, mother's body weak, spring to give birth to a female.

Doing business dreamed that ex-boyfriend wanted to rekindle old love:Represents uncertainty, more obstacles, reorganize and then open.

People dreaming of husband and old lover kissing:All things are not good, close to good knowledge, good cultivation of the most stable.

Traveling people dream of boyfriend and ex-girlfriend old love rekindled:Suggest hard to find. Accidental injury on the way, ask to the west.

People in love dreaming of husband and old lover dating:Suggests mutual discovery of shortcomings, if can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of boyfriend ex-girlfriend old love rekindled:Predicting the birth of a man, be careful to prevent difficult labor.

Traveling people dreaming of husband and old lover kissing:Postpone one or two days before going out.

Traveler dreaming of husband cheating and old lover:Suggests cloudy weather or something to stop delayed departure.

Doing business dreamed and ex-boyfriend old love rekindled:On behalf of profit progress slower, eventually make money. Especially real estate.

People in love dreamed of rekindling old love with ex-boyfriend:Suggests mutual honesty, marriage can be accomplished.

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