Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming of Lotus Blossoms in Bloom

People who go to school dreaming of lotus blooming in bud:Failing to get what they wish for is a big obstacle, come back next year.

Those who are traveling dreamed of enjoying lotus blossoms in the snow and postponing their trip in case of rain.

A pregnant woman dreaming of lotus flowers in bud will give birth to a boy. In spring and summer:A woman would be born, but the fetus would not be moved.

People in business dreaming of lotus flowers in bud:Resolving difficulties, gradually on track, smooth, careful to guard against villainy.

People in love dreaming of a pond full of budding lotus flowers:Suggesting that they are about to get married and grasp good fortune.

Pregnant people dreaming of flowers blooming at home:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of enjoying the budding lotus flowers in the snow:Give birth to a boy, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus miscarriage.

Travelers dreaming of blooming ornamental flowers:Suggest that spring less go, other smooth can go out.

Pregnant people dreaming of orchids in bud predicted the birth of a daughter:Or a sister coming before or after.

Pregnant people dreaming of blooming stamens:Give birth to a boy, autumn accounted for the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of a blooming moonflower suggests delaying departure in case of rain.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a yard full of peach trees in bud predicts the birth of a boy. Summer brings the birth of a woman.

Traveling people dreaming of not seeing many budding flowers:Suggest rescheduling and postponing the trip.

Those who are traveling dreamed of blooming flowers:Suggesting something to delay the date, postponing the trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of a pond full of budding lotus flowers:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, pay attention to dietary restraint.

If a businessman dreams of enjoying budding lotus flowers in the snow:He will face obstacles, loss of property and business closure, but he should wait for the right time to make a move.

Pregnant people dreaming of blooming unknown flowers foretell the birth of a boy:Avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

People in love dreamed of enjoying budding lotus flowers in the snow:If there are misunderstandings should be explained clearly, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of blooming lotus flowers:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

People who go to school dreaming of willow blossoms budding pink:Means many twists and turns can not be as desired.

People who go to school dreaming of flowers blooming at home:Means poor performance in liberal arts, difficult to be admitted.

A businessman dreaming of a pond full of budding lotus flowers:Represents slow but progressing operation, good to grasp, will have financial benefits.

For those who dreamed of seeing a flower in bud:It means that there are a lot of obstacles, and you will not be able to fulfill your wishes.

Pregnant people dreaming of peach blossoms blooming during pregnancy:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and the birth of a man in the fall.

Those who are traveling dreamed of flowers in bud:Suggest that if there is a wind, stop, delay and set off again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a peach tree in bud predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in summer. A pregnant woman dreaming of a budding peach tree predicts the birth of a male child, while a female child is expected in summer.

Pregnant people dreaming of not seeing a lot of budding flowers foretells the birth of a girl:Winter occupies the birth of a boy.

A person dreaming of a pond full of budding lotus flowers in the year of one's life implies that there is a chance of a change of job or promotion.

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