What is the omen of Tulip

People who go to school dreaming of Du Pear:Make more efforts and preparations, there is hope for admission.

Those who are traveling dream of eating a pear; they are advised to go out as scheduled and beware of fire.

People in love dream of Du Pear:Mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of pear in the year of life:Less control of friend's affairs, plague of injury, less go to the east.

Pregnant people dreaming of Du Pear:Give birth to a girl, spring occupies the birth of a man, women's disease, it is advisable to maintain.

Dreaming of writing a letter:Will be strong and healthy. A woman's dream of writing a letter implies a rising reputation. A businessman dreaming of writing a letter, business will develop abroad.

Dreaming of eating pears:The most important thing to keep in mind in these two days is that other people say half of what they want to say and leave half of what they want to say. This often implies important inside information! So things that are favorable to you, might as well prefer to believe in nothing; things that are unfavorable to you, might as well prefer to believe in something! This is also a kind of ability to foretell! You can do this by exercising the ability to see into the heart.

If you dream of ropes:You will live a long life. A woman dreaming of ropes will never be separated from her husband. A man dreaming of preparing ropes will be shy. A woman dreaming of preparing ropes will be imprisoned. A prisoner dreaming of making ropes will be taken care of by prison officials. A farmer dreaming of preparing ropes will experience a drought that will lead to a reduction in grain production. To dream of thread and rope, to go on a long trip. To dream of climbing a rope up to a house, will be promoted.

To dream of pustules on the tip of the nose:Will be promoted by a leader.

A staff member dreaming of a manuscript will be honored. An unemployed person dreaming of a manuscript will get a job.

To dream of a map - To dream of a map:A friend or relative who has gone abroad will return.

To dream of timber is an omen of wealth. To dream of transporting wood:Will be given a raise. To dream of transporting wood, will be promoted in office. To dream of seeing a huge log, is an omen of losing one's fortune.

To dream of daytime:A bright future. To dream of a sunny day, a peaceful life.

To dream of putty:Business will be profitable; to dream of selling putty, to be rich.

To dream of buying shoes:You will soon travel. To dream of buying shoes, a merchant will prosper.

To dream of wearing black clothes:Misfortune will happen to you. To dream of black clothes denotes failure.

To dream of going up a ladder:To become famous. To dream of going down a ladder, you will suffer financial damage and lose your reputation. A student dreaming of falling down a ladder will fail in his studies. A businessman dreaming of falling down a ladder will make less profit. A pregnant woman dreaming of falling down a ladder will have a miscarriage. To dream of losing one's ladder, beware of thieves.

To dream of putting out a fire:To dream of putting out a fire, will be in good health.

Dreaming of pulling out teeth:Soon to buy house and land. A woman dreaming of pulling out teeth, will live in abundance. A businessman dreaming of pulling out teeth will do a profitable business. A farmer dreaming of pulling out his teeth is expecting a good harvest. To dream of a toothache makes you rich.

A man dreaming of frogs will get sick. A woman dreaming of frogs:A sharp increase in expenses. A businessman dreaming of frogs is going to lose money in business.

Dreaming of stones makes life difficult. A woman dreaming of a stone will get stomach problems.

Businessman dreaming of pears:Have wealth and profit to be gained, suitable for gold and wood industry, to the north is also unfavorable.

Dreaming of white rice paper - dreaming of white rice paper is a good omen.

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