What is the omen of a snake with a broken tail?

A traveler dreaming of a snake with a broken tail is advised to postpone departure in case of a thunderstorm.

For a businessman to dream of a mackerel snake with a broken tail represents the failure of a marriage.

For a businessman to dream of a snake with a broken tail:It means that he will be able to gain wealth and profit, and have a smooth and happy life.

For those who are in love:Dreaming of a snake with a broken tail means that if both parents agree, the marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of a snake with a broken tail mean that they will not be admitted to school as they wish.

For a businessman to dream of a snake without a tail means good luck and profit:But guarding against tongue-twisters.

Pregnant people dreaming of a snake biting the tail of another snake:Have a daughter, spring occupies the birth of a man, don't overwork and injure your body.

People in love dreamed of a snake with three tails:Indicating that it can not stand the test. Can not be accommodated, have to break up.

People who go to school dreamed of a red snake's tail fell off:Means that science is a little poor, the results are not as expected, it is advisable to work hard.

Pregnant people dreamed of a hemp snake with a broken tail:Foretelling the birth of a man, spring occupies the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent premature labor, the mother should be more maintenance.

Doing business dreamed of a small black snake with a broken tail:On behalf of the mouth is right and wrong, big change is also a big failure, the old is better.

People dreaming of a snake with a broken tail in the year of life means joyfulness:Caution against joyfulness, caution against lawsuits.

Doing business dreamed of a flower snake with a broken tail but still alive:Represents business is not good, meet evil people damage, be careful to prevent small people.

People in love dreaming of a flower snake with a broken tail but still alive:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished with honesty.

People in love dreaming of a small black snake with a broken tail:Suggesting that a marriage between two people with stable careers and a salary class will be successful.

People dreaming of a snake biting the tail of another snake in the current year of life:Less going to the southeast is good, unfavorable to distant travel, less going out in the bimonthly months, the plague of injury.

Pregnant people dreaming of a flower snake with a broken tail but still alive:Predicting the birth of a boy; in August, a girl will be born. The mother should take care of herself.

People dreaming of a snake biting another snake's tail:Something entangled, be careful to prevent the design of small people, it is advisable to guard not to enter.

Doing business dreamed of growing a snake's tail:On behalf of the success of the wealth, be careful to prevent too just impulsive defeat.

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