What does rat attack mean

A traveler dreaming of a rat attack is advised to postpone the journey if there is rain:But a sunny day is feasible.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a rat attacking her is predicting the birth of a girl:And a boy in September or October.

People dreaming of rat attack:Means two subjects are not ideal, next year again.

People dreaming of a rat attacking in a dream of doing business:Represents taking the wrong path and doing the wrong thing, difficult operation and unfavorable loss.

People dreaming of rat attack in the current year of life:Means that although there is wealth and profit, be careful to prevent paperwork litigation or car accidents.

People dreaming of a rat eating a rat carcass in the current year of life:There are houses to live in, no need to worry, not yet stable, prevent official litigation.

Travelers dreaming of rat koji:Suggest delaying a few days before departure.

Traveler dreaming of snake biting rat:Can proceed smoothly.

A traveler dreaming of a golden rat:Can go out smoothly.

People dreaming of a hamster giving birth to a hamster:Means all things go well, your people help to get wealth and profit, peace.

Pregnant people dreaming of a hamster giving birth to a hamster:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man. Caution against miscarriage.

Traveler dreaming of snake rat frog:Go out unfavorable, thunder and lightning beware.

Traveling people dreaming of snake cat rat:Suggests smooth, go out without harm.

Pregnant people dreaming of rats eating rat carcasses:Give birth to a girl, winter occupies the birth of a man, do not move the earth, logging.

People in love dreaming of rats attacking:Suggests that as long as mutual trust, eventually become husband and wife, marriage can be accomplished.

Travelers dreaming of white-waisted porpoise:Suggest going out smoothly.

Traveler dreaming of snake and rat battle:Smooth outing, return in peace.

Traveler dreaming of rat lemur family:Suggests postponing departure.

Traveling person dreamed of rat manganese:Suggests rectifying departure smoothly.

Traveler dreaming of being chased by rats:Postpones departure.

Traveler dreaming of rat eating rat carcass:Winter in ice and snow unfavorable, spring and summer favorable.

Traveling person dreamed of home with rats:Suggests smooth going out, as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes and rats and frogs:Giving birth to a daughter, avoid moving earth.

People in love dreaming of hamster birth hamster:Suggests unstable mood, hot and cold, mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

School dreamed of hamster:Poor grades, difficult to admit.

Pregnant people dreaming of rats biting rats:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man. Cesarean section is safer.

People dreaming of rats biting rats:Means handling affairs carefully, smooth as desired, do not visit the sick.

Pregnant people dreaming of river rats:Predicting the birth of a daughter, do not move the earth.

People in love dreaming of rats eating rat carcasses:Don't neglect to be impatient, slowly communicate can get married.

Traveling people dream of dogs:Cats and rats, smooth going out.

People who go to school dreaming of rat milk root:Means smooth admission.

Those who dreamed of a rat infestation:Cannot be admitted as desired.

Those who dreamed of seeing rotten rats on a trip:Suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

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