Meaning of dream fantasy

A traveler dreaming of a fantasy world is advised to travel safely.

A pregnant woman dreaming of fantasies suggests giving birth to a daughter and preventing fetal demise.

A traveler dreaming of fantasizing about a beautiful world is advised to go out smoothly as expected.

Traveling person dreamed of fantasy:Windy is less go out, postpone and then travel.

Doing business dreamed of fantasizing about an object:Represents slower progress, have wealth to gain.

Dreaming of overseas travel means curiosity and fantasy.

Dreaming that someone is chasing and beating me:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a superiority of fantasy over reality; there is also a superiority of reality over fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Dreaming of kissing your friend's boyfriend:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life, there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

A traveler dreaming of a fantasy object suggests delaying the trip for a few days as a good idea.

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

A traveler dreaming of a sexual fantasy object suggests delaying departure in case of rain.

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Dreaming of a phoenix falling on a tree:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

A pregnant person dreaming of a fantasy world foretells the birth of a daughter:In connection with an ancestral grave.

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a superiority of fantasy over reality; and a superiority of reality over fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Dreaming of holding golden ears of ripe rice in your hands:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Perfect happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life, there is often an opportunity for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try, too!For someone who goes to school to dream of a fantasy object means that it is difficult to get what you want and there are many obstacles.

Dreaming of two old ladies:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a superiority in fantasy over reality; and there is also a superiority in reality over fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Dreaming of Ruili Runnan:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life, there is often an opportunity for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Dreaming of a child jerking off:Although your ideas are often called fantasies, there is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life, there is often an opportunity for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life there are often opportunities for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try for you too!

Although your ideas are often called fantasies:There is actually a side of fantasy that is superior to reality; and there is also a side of reality that is superior to fantasy. Complete happiness will be the unity of the former and the latter, just as in the details of daily life, there is often an opportunity for inspiration. Successful people with this personality type are often the ones who turn their fantasies into reality. Give it a try, too!

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