What is the omen of dreaming of growing vegetables

To dream of growing vegetables:One will meet with a lot of trouble.

To dream of growing vegetables:One will encounter many difficulties.

A traveler dreaming of growing vegetables will travel well as expected.

A traveler dreaming of planting vegetables is advised to travel smoothly.

A traveler dreaming of planting vegetables and watering them suggests smooth and safe travel as expected.

Travelers dreaming of digging up land to plant vegetables and flowers:Suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

People dreaming of going to school dreaming of mom planting vegetables:Implying many obstacles, failing to fulfill their wishes.

Travelers dreaming of planting vegetables in water:Suggest going out peacefully and coming back unhappily.

Pregnant people dreaming of planting vegetables in water:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, beware of fire and water.

People in business dreamed of a woman planting vegetables:Down-to-earth operation, smooth as desired.

Those who dreamed of a woman planting vegetables did not get what they wished for and were not admitted.

People dreaming of traveling dreamed of planting vegetables:Suggest traveling as desired, bring rain gear.

A pregnant woman dreaming of planting vegetables in her own yard predicts the birth of a boy. Autumn occupies the birth of a woman.

People who go to school dreamed of planting vegetables:Means the results of the arts is poor, can not be admitted.

Traveling people dreamed of going to a vegetable garden and wanting to plant vegetables:Suggests safe coming and going.

Traveling person dreamed of seeing mother planting vegetables:Suggested delaying departure in case of wind.

People in love dreamed of planting vegetables in an empty field:After many tests, can hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of planting vegetables in an upstairs room:Predicting the birth of a boy, be cautious of difficult labor.

People who are traveling dreamed of all kinds of vegetable knives:Advised to go out less, advisable to postpone.

Traveling people dreamed of father planting vegetables:Suggests rain or shine, postpone departure.

Traveling person dreamed of packing up empty land to plant vegetables:Advised to postpone going out in case of rain.

Traveling person dreamed of planting vegetables in the garden:Suggests should not go out, postponed to go again.

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